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I notice my highs are trippier??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mikey77, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. hey all. I just started smoking this past month. I started out with cheap dirt.. Mex weed but now I bout some good looking mids.. Dealer said it was "tropical haze"? I used to get alot of body buzzes with cheaper weed. This stuff is trippy kinda psychedic.. Is it the weed I bought? Thanks
  2. You bought better weed than your used to and its prob more on the sativa side.
  3. no way man why would weed thats better than what you're used to be different? that would make no sense at all.
  4. Yeah it's the weed you got. There are thousands of different strains of marijuana and you will certainly notice a big difference going from nothing but dirt to some nice mids! You'll develop a tolerance after a little while though but enjoy the trippy beginner highs cause I definitely miss them... I still get very high, especially on some good stuff but nothing like highschool! I remember the first time I tried white widow after only smoking regs for about 3-4 months... best high ever!
  5. If you've been exposed to psychedelics, I know that can make your highs a bit more trippy. If you don't really know what "psychedelic" feels like then you probably just got really baked.
  6. How much was it for a gram of "tropical haze"

  7. it was 60 for a hlaf. It smells like pinacolada and looks nice
  8. i agree.

    actual psychedelics are wayyy different than even the best "trippy" sativa high i've ever had.

    whole different ballgame

  9. this guys right

  10. thanks for th answer I was wondering if it was just me haha like I just smoked a bowl right now and it's fairly visual and trippy. I guess indicas have more of a body high? And stiva mind high?

  11. thats exactly it. You make it sound like your dropping acid haha
  12. Yeah weed is basically anywhere from a trippy energetic high to a "omg I can't move from this couch" high. Any combination of the two effects is possible, most weed is not pure body high or pure head high. Kush is however normally a pure indica, and haze is normally a pure sativa.
  13. I've had some kush before but I didn't have that couch effect it just felt real clear headed
  14. Yeah this sounds about right.

    Because you`ve experienced nothing but a cheap dirt, body high your brain was never really exposed to the marijuana you were ingesting. (Obviously it was to an extent.) Now that you`ve got stuff that hits your dome you`re probably now feeling the effects of actually being high.

    Unless as stated above, you`ve been subjected to psychedelics prior to this weed which could make the high trippier. I`ve noticed myself after experimenting with psychedelics my pot highs have become a lot more enjoyable, just because they`re a lot more trippier.

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