so this kid who was my friend at the time was in my dorm room, and i had accidentally showed him where i keep my money (2 $100s for my books) hes the only one that has been in my room since i last seen the money. after i had accidentally showed him the money, we eat mushrooms together. (my scale was in the money container) so i was wondering if i get the cops involved would the shrooms come back to me? im fairly certain this kid stole it and hes got a history of sticky fingers. i confronted him and he was very defensive
I wouldn't get the cops involved unless you have solid proof that this kid took it. Otherwise I think you're just unnecessarily attracting unwanted attention to yourself. Confront him and see how he reacts.
If you're sure it was him, tell him so. Tell him that you know he took it, and that you don't want to get the authorities involved but you will if you have to. Then make sure that anything the cop looks at is clean. Even if it somehow gets brought up that you were on shrooms when you think he took it, you can't get in trouble for having taken shrooms as long as you don't have any drugs, pipes, etc. lying around for the police to see.
Until you have proof you have nothing. Just don't hang out with him anymore and ask the people who he hangs out with if he's bragging about it
Your first mistake was showing him where you keep your money. Why would you do that? Jeez, you're just blatantly yelling out "ROB ME PLEASE!"
Best thing to do in such situation is to get even. Figure out the rest for yourself on how to get even.
ive got much respect for u GGrass but ima hafta disagree with u on this one, getting even cud potentially just cause an ongoing rivalry and losing a lot more than just some money, i say confront him again, letting him know u know he has it, and if he still wont give it up well then its money, it can be earned back, not like he stole ur soul