I need URGENT help!!!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by briangumble, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. I germinated 2 seeds with the paper towel method. On seed number 1 the white thing was about the length of the seed itself while seed number 2 barely had a white thing coming out. I planted seed number 1 in a pot with soil in my backyard. When seed number 2's white thing was twice the length of the seed itself, I planted it in a foam cup with soil in my room. Right now I just checked on both of the seedlings/plants and the one in my room sprouted above the soil while the one in the backyard still hasn't sprouted yet. Why is this?

    And the seed in my room has no light on it. When will it need light? Whenever it does need light I'll transplant it to the backyard but I don't know when it will need light
  2. 1) You don't need to wait until the taproot (the white thing) is totally out. As soon as the seed "cracks" you can transplant it to some moist soil.

    2) Sometimes seeds just don't make it after cracking. If you bury it too deep, not deep enough, give it too much water or not enough water, it dies. I'd say a cracked seed is at the peak of fragilness, once it sprouts it becomes harder to kill as it grows older.

    EDIT: Put light on it as soon as it breaks the surface of the soil.
  3. i have some ake a week to sprout and some that take 1 nihgt
  4. Thanks for the replies guys. What I was basically saying was seed number 1 germinated twice as fast, and I let seed number 2 germinate twice as long and seed number 2 sprouted while number 1 hasn't, and I expected it to be the other way around. So do you think seed number 1 died or is it just taking long?
  5. It varies. I don't really know why, maybe the seed has to figure out which was is "up" before it can grow, otherwise it would just start sprouting in a random direction (also another reason it needs to have light, so it can start to veg once it breaks the surface). But in concurrance (is that a word?) with the post above mine, some sprout quickly and others can take a while.
  6. I think I watered seed number 1 too much. I live in Southern California and it's so hot over here that just standing outside for a few minutes will cause you to sweat. Well because of that I watered the pot like everyday because I thought it would get too hot and kill seedling.

    Another factor is the taproot landed sideways and in seed number 2 since the taproot was longer it landed straight down. So I really have no idea if it's dead or alive, hopefully it's alive.
  7. welll i planted the seed with out germinating it and its been 2 days i water it and kept it on my window and i was stoned and curious if it was dead soo i scraped off some of the soil to check if it was growing i saw the white thing and moved it a lil and re buried it as soon as i moved it do you guys think it will still grow?
  8. Yes but leave it alone and be patient. A plant is not the drive thru at mcdonalds...meaning almost instant service. Takes time and if it wasnt growing and dead you wouldnt be able to do anything at that stage anyhow so looking doesnt make a difference.

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