I need to flip my 12/12 schedule....please help!!

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by col forbin, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. Summer is here and id like to have my lights on during the night, something like 9pm-9am. Right now they are on from 7am-7pm, so what is the best way to switch without stressing my plants out too much? Thanks everyone!!
  2. i read elsewhere that an hour a day adjustment is safe
  3. I would just do one full day of darkness rather knock an hour off each day, would take over a week to get to the time you want. Your plant needs ATLEAST 12 hours of darkness, rather than give it less just give it one full day of darkness then turn it on at 9pm, even if its had less than 24 hours aslong as its over 12 it wont matter to much, peace
  4. I agree with HazedNorby , just do 24 hours of darkness, then reboot your lights on 12/12 at the appropriate time.


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