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I need to by a new bowl but have no idea how..

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Guinevere, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. So 2 weeks ago I visited California and found a ladybug bong I fell in love with! The matching bowl was pretty expensive but this bong was calling my name! I UPSed it to myself and used it the first time last night. Well the dogs knocked it over and the removable bowl broke :(:( So now I need a new bowl but I don't know what size or what to ask at my local smokeshop.... help!
  2. Man, just get it really really clean so theres no resin in it, like at all. Then, stick it in your trunk, drive to your smokeshop and explain your situation. Then, either it gets worked out or you bring your tobacco water pipe into the shop to see what bowls fit. And until then you can make one with a socket or some shit im sure theres threads on here for that.
  3. Use a door stopper for the temporary bowl

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