I need some pretty serious help with a UA

Discussion in 'General' started by RiseAbove, Nov 11, 2007.

  1. I was put in a treatment program about a month ago where I get weekly UAs, and I was just giving them a friend of mines urine, but about a week ago I had my car searched and the officer found the container i was holding his urine in and took it as evidence (he also found my bud) so I was forced to give them my urine this last ua. If I started giving them my friends urine again would the lab be able to tell the difference? Anything advice helps and thank you.
  2. No they wouldn't.
  3. they probably arent doing DNA analysis on the urine, but they may be able to find blood type or something of that nature. id be more worried about either the urine becoming stale or the temperature not being correct. a lot of testing kits now test for temperature ranges and certain adulterants that are used to cover up drug residue etc etc.

    id say just play it safe and stay clean. if you got pulled over by police with bud, while already having to go through a treatment program, its possible that your best option is to stop smoking, or only smoke right after your tests (if you have a good detox period in between)

    it sounds like a real cop out to tell a fellow smoker to stop smoking, because i myself know i probably couldnt, but i think its what we would all agree is the most sensible option at this point.
  4. Well I know for sure I couldn't stop as long as they're going to put me in treatment, and this last UA I gave them, which was amazingly dirty, I can get a new container, and it has a temp gauge on it and everything, and I know the they most likely wont do a DNA test due to costs, and my treatment program is pretty lax, they dont even go in the room to watch me piss. The only thing I can think of is to stay clean long enough for me to start giving them clean ua's, then go back to giving them my friends urine. I've just been reading around a lot and I've been getting a lot of different opinions. Some say they can tell age and gender, and some say they can't. The only real difference between me and my friend is he's a bit more muscular and, well, he's black. I've also heard they can till through pH levels and creatine. I'm just worried about them noticing the difference in my urine vs. his.

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