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I need some advice

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by underoath, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Okay, so I just moved back in with my Dad. He kicked me out a few weeks ago due to the fact he caught me smoking. He burnt my half oz. of kush in the fireplace... luckily I saved my pipes and about 2 bowls worth of sour. I love to smoke and I just bought a brand new glass bong.... Should I just take a T-break and not smoke until I move out or should I just be more careful this time and only smoke outside and when he isn't home? The guy has a nose for smelling pot or something.. he can always smell it on me when I smoke.. even if it was hours earlier. I know I wont be able to smoke as much a day as I'd like to... but should I take the risk of getting caught again?
  2. Hmm well, where you would live if not at your dad's? Do you have the means to support yourself?

    Maybe you should invest in a vaporizer to help redce the scent if you do move back.
  3. If I was in your shoes, I'd quit for a little while until I could move out. Living with your father and not smoking is better than not having a place to stay and smoking.
  4. Take a small t-break, still toke on the side, just not daily.

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