I need seed help

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by coppermike, Nov 20, 2009.

  1. #1 coppermike, Nov 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2009
    Ok so i planted my seed(s) about 3 days ago.. still no sighn of sprouting, altho if i scratch the surface in one pot i see a white root bent inwards shud i pull it out ?

    In another pot i scratched the surface and also seen a root going downwords but this one still has its shell. shud i just keep watering the dirt? , cover the little white root with dirt? or what please help! ther realy good seeds not just some regz ty

    Should i leave the lights on the dirt ?? even no ther is no sprout?
  2. So how long have the seeds been in the dirt?

    You don't want to pull anything out yet. If you have pics that would help however starting from seed can take a few days. Typically you don't want a hot light on sprouts as they'll wither and die from dried out surface soil too quickly so what would you be putting up for light on the soil?
  3. Have some patience and leave it all alone. Give it a week to 10 days to see your sprouts, and stop digging around, or you'll kill what you do have! Talk about a watched pot.....
  4. I planted some white widow on 11/15 and they were up in two days.:yay: I first soaked them over night and when they fell to the bottom of the container I planted them. I think I was as surprised as anyone. Today they are over an inch tall
  5. thanks sorry for the delay i had to go real fast uhm kool thanks for the info yeah ther under a bunch of 6500ks cfls the i can set up pics but you wud just see dirt... lmao thanks anywayz !
  6. I keep my seeds in the dark until they break the surface.

    And yeah, be patient. I recently germinated 15 bagseeds, all from the same oz. 12 broke surface within 36 hours. The other three didn't break after 5 days so I put them out on the porch, thinking they weren't viable. A few days later they were 6" tall, stretched like crazy. I threw them out but the point is, they can take their time.
  7. I've seen seed, especially bag seed take up to 10 days to break the soil surface. As the others have said, patience is key.

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