But I said no no no. I officially hate sober life and am fully dependent on drugs(mainly weed, alcohol and pills). I can go a month or 2 or 3 or even ayear without doinga damn thing. But I don't know how to replace them with something else if I tried. I always come back... It's so hard tostop when the voices in your head tell you not to come down.
The most beneficial thing to do in a case like this is figure out what the cause of you hating sober life is. Whether it be problems drugs help you escape from, boredom with regular activities or something else entirely, getting to the root of your hatred of sobriety will help you fully address and correct whatever the issue is. I greatly enjoy my experiences with the various substances I take, but I appreciate sober life equally as much. I have always found moderation to be a key point to living a balanced life. For me this came mainly from learning to see the beauty of every living thing equally, and finding activities I enjoy doing sober. Maybe your situation is completely different but that's how I have come to appreciate sobriety.
Well I think it has to do with I have depression and addictive personality in my family genes. And also I use drugs to escape reality. I think most people can agree that life and reality can suck ballls. healthy people just deal with everything. Me I deal with some things and other things I put on the back burner and get high, again and again and again until I have a bunch of people not very happy with me. It might sound bad but the honest truth is that I never gave a fuck, and that's never a good start for a healthy lifestyle However I do give a fuck enough to give a fuck about not giving a fuck...
Life certainly does hold many challenges, but they are necessary in a way because you can never know good times without bad. Everything in our lives follows polarity, and good/bad experiences are no exception. I know the feeling because in my newbie days of smoking I can say I definitely used it as an escape from some of my problems, but it never fixes them. Problems that you keep putting on the back burner will always be there until you address them outright, hence the continual need for drugs to keep them there. Without a doubt it can be very difficult to fully address some problems, but it is the only permanent solution. Hey man it's a start
Man at some point, you'll break down and go. Hopefully . I did. But I quickly dropped out of it after a month. I did get some insanely good drugs in rehab. That's where I met my lover, suboxne.
You just need to re transition yourself to sober life. Once you stop using drug for a few weeks, slowly, but surely, life will start to build itself back. You'll get used to not being high, and simple things will make you happy again like watching TV. Your body and mind adapts to sober life, and after awhile you wont even care about drugs. The only hard part is stopping, and sticking to it. To be honest, rehab is a great idea. You can meet some great friends, get support, and best of all get healthy.
7 gs but at what price?(rhetorical question) I did 2 g's of shrooms and the only thing that happened to me is I never wanted shrooms again, lol. Not my cup of tea.
I know my mind enough to realize quitting would be easy, but I will forever relapse without rehab. weak I know It's like, my foundation was unstable and failed and I need to go back to school to learn how to build a stronger one.
That is exactly the case. Rehab is the school to go to. Dont just do it for the addiction, do it for yourself, you deserve to live a better life than this.
I think you hit it there ... health has *a lot* to do with coping with life. I too have an addictive/depressive personality. But don't go down the road I took: I went to see a psychiatrist about my depression and he gave me some Paxil. When I decide years later to rid my system of that crap I get massive withdrawal symptoms (panic attacks, shakes, suicide ideation). It's taken me months of a healthy diet, a low stress lifestyle and meditation to climb out of that trap. I swear, the health industry wants to kill us off. Why else would they push a drug that has suicide as a side effect!!? In climbing out of my hole, the first thing I realized was that sugar and the quality of food I eat has a huge impact on my mood swings. That Micky-D/KFC/BK broiler shit is pushed on us to dumb us down. Next, I realized that I had mercury amalgam fillings that were *leaking* ... basically causing my immune system to shut down. Got them replaced ASAP. Last, you'd be surprised at how well a krill oil (Omega 3 fatty acids), vitamin D3 and a magnesium complex morning cocktail helps. It takes about 3 weeks to kick in, but you'll wake up one morning with a positive attitude and go: "no shit!? where did that come from?" A healthy chemcially balanced brain wants to feel happy. Doing hard drugs (alcohol included) is like adding nitrious to your car. Sure you'll go fast, but you'll blow your engine after a short while. You gotta tune your *vehicle* with some healthy MJ and good eating. Ugh. Rereading this ... I swear I'm not a hippie. Hope this helps & good luck.
I def. need some sort of rehab. Don't want to get hooked on methadone or subs or any of that jazz so IDK what im gonna do. idk if I even want to stop. I mean hell, I love opiates too much, but it's killing my funds and when I can't get them I feel like toppin myself
bro ima keep it real with you....most likely, you're never going to get off opiates. same with me, same with almost any other dope[opiate] fiend....you dont know if you want to stop? that's the addiction talking...if you keep sayin that, you'll end up on suboxone, methadone, whatever, and probably stay on it...because you're not sure if you want to stop...