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I need ideas for a homemade water bong

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by nugs man, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. i have been online searching for ideas on what parts to use to make one, but can't really think of any. Like which bottle is the best one? what gauge tube? should i use a socket for the bowl or what? I want to make this thing legit and last some time. i dont want it to be cheap (even though its homemade). What do you got?
  2. drill out some sort of glass bottle
  3. yeah i thought of this. i might try that. it is the nicest after all. what else you got GC?
  4. are you looking for a true homemade bong where you can put water in it, drop some ice cubes, maybe even have a slider? If so uhhh. good luck.

    But, I know waterfalls, gbs, and things of the sort are super easy to make.. although waterfalls dont last very long.. you get so much resin and everything built up inside it's just a really nasty hit.

    what me and one of my bros do is take an empty gatorade bottle.. burn a hole in the cap and stick a socket in there. after that you can burn a hole in the side and use it as a makeshift waterfall with no water.. that's my easiest way to get blazzzzzed. just put your mouth to the hole in the side and put the lighter to the weed in the socket and just breath in but not too hard, you should be able to get the smoke to stay in the bottle.. then just unscrew the top and suck in.

    little weed but big high.
  5. make some perculators. Their always sweet to have in homemade bongs.
  6. yeah, whenever I've made waterfall bongs they always get everyone BLAZED with like two hits, dunno why. we have two bottles, one of which isn't modified at all. that one is used to catch the water and pour it back into the waterfall bong so we don't have to do the hole-sucking thing after one hit.

    OP: check this out:
  7. Awesome. thanks for the link homie

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