Hey stoners, can you help me out? I’m a first time grower, was gifted a setup and thought I’d give it a go. I decided on an indica auto flower. All is well 7 weeks in except the tent I’m growing in is too short (2x2x4). I LST’d throughout the grow and recently super cropped and installed a trellis. The light is as high as possible, no flower yet, and there is about 14” from the light to the top of the plant. Am I screwed?
Scrog...tons of info on the subject. I'd flip them soon if height is an issue. A scrog can hold back a leggy girl. Good method for height restricted grows.
flower asap and trim back if you must... Edit: oh tis auto... in that case you will just have to trim it back friend.. gonna hurt the yield but if its all u have..
taller tent shorter plants Grow in a shorter planter. Flip into flowering at 3 weeks and layer of trellis netting. I flip in flowering at 4 weeks using clones. Go auto flowering strain and short small strains. train and trellis netting
Auto flowers generally start flowering by week 5. You were likely sent or gifted a photo-period seed. Change your light cycle to 12 on and 12 off and if it starts to flower you have been growing a photo sensitive plant, not an auto-flower. I'd do this ASAP if it were my plant, I don't see any sign of sex in your pictures. Maybe someone else does. You could be growing a male plant.
At 7 weeks & autos??? 1 let it ride & hope they won't stretch much more, 2 keep tucking it UNDER the net, 3 add another net & that is your Alamo (line of last resort)??? Let us know & post some pics.