So im driving up to school in a couple of days and I want to listen to some music that I dont hear everyyyyyy single day. So if anyone could give me suggestions that would be cool!! The kind of music I listen to varies but just some ideas are weezy, shwayze( if you havent listened to his songs DO IT!!!), jack johnson get the idea pretty much anything fun!
The Strokes - Room On Fire i a great album to drive to. Simple, kinda fast and good. I love driving with Reptilia on and kinda tap the breaks with the beat. check it out.
You actually like shwayze? All of his lyrics are so mindless and are just made to make money try listening to John Butler Trio
It's just a dude, Greg Gillis. I think he's a biomedical engineer by day. Also, check out the Cool Kids album "Bake Sale"; another new summer cd that is sick.