I need help RIGHT NOW

Discussion in 'General' started by Redhead Smoka, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. I have no idea what to fucking do right now. My mom is in so much pain right now she cannot move AT ALL and I'm freaking out. She says it's her back and hip (they've been messed up before but not like this) We can't afford to get an ambulance out here, and there's no fucking way we'll be able to get her into the truck please I need ideas or something!!!!!!!!!!! Please, I can't stand to her screaming in pain any more! This has been going on for about 30 min now.
  2. Well it depends on how severe the situation is, if it seems like something that could be serious, then money shouldn't even be a concern. Otherwise, have her take some Ibuprofen or whatever you have available.
  3. Have her smoke some MJ and see if it helps enough to get her in the truck? I'm actually completely serious, there's only so much you personally can do.

  4. Call the ambulance and have them take her to the hospital. There's ways of dealing with hospital and ambulance costs, later on, but right now she needs treatment. Don't delay, call right now.
  5. She would never do it. I gave her some of my Ibuprofen 600s, but they're from 2009 :( If this lasts I think I might force her to smoke some of my hash. Hash has the same medical benefits as weed right? If it gets worse I'll just call the ambulance anyway. This fucking sucks, it's my fault we were home today anyway, if it weren't for me they would be at the river and this never would have happened :(
  6. What happened to her?

  7. Just call 911, don't give her nothing, no hash, let them diagnose it first. Don't play games, it's your mother. If she herniated a disc or something, she may need traction, an operation, or something else.

    CALL 911, they know what they're doing!
  8. If your mother is in excruciating pain, you need to look past the financial worries and help her the ubest way you can, by calling an ambulance and getting her help.

    If she's not a regular smoker and you give her hash, her pain and anxiety could worsen due to the side effects of being really, really high.

    Do not medicate her further, and call an ambulance please.
  9. first off man i am sorry you are experiencing this right now.

    What exactly are her symptoms? if she had a serious fall then you need to call an ambulance right now, because she could have internal bleeding and could be going into shock. What exactly happened? does she have any medical conditions that would cause the pain?

    We cant tell you what to do because we are not doctors man... I wish i could help you i really do.
  10. i got a gang of hospital bills......

    shit happens they wont pick u up if u dont have money

  11. Yes. Listen to this man.

    If it was just some nagging pain, if she couldn't get up cuz she had a bad kink in her back, or something minor, it would be something differemt

    you said she was screaming... Screaming means intense pain for most people.

    She was screaming and in pain long enough for you to come online and make a post about it......Call 911, get an ambulance, dont worry about the financial costs right now.

    If it wasn't a back injury I'd say at the very least, you should get a neighbor and have him/them help you carry your mother to your truck.
  12. Wrong, they have to pick you up in an emergency.
  13. Well she's a little bit better now, but she still can't get up by herself. I convinced her to go to the doctor on Monday by asking her how she wants to feel when she's 60 lol. She's pretty scared right now. Luckily she didn't take the ibuprofen, so now we can give her some norcos. God this sucks, my step dad is the only one who can help her walk, but he's hardly in better shape than her. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I wish she would just go to the hospital.
  14. I think we might have to take her to the hospital... She started screaming again.
  15. Oh my Lord all these hours later and that woman still isn't at the hospital?! Sounds just like my parents actually.
  16. Yeah, she kinda hates doing anything. I really don't blame her though. She literally cannot move, like she crawled to the bathroom, and then on the way back she got stuck for half an hour. My stepdad had to sorta lift her while she crawled back to her bed. Then when she got to it she tried to roll over, and I don't think I've heard anyone scream that loud. Scaring the shit out of my little sister.
  17. the fact that she hasnt been to he hospital yet is the most worrying part.
  18. It worries me too. The thing is though, there wont be any doctors there til Monday. We'd have to take her to the emergency room.
  19. TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL no matter what she says go off into another room and call a GOD DAM AMBULANCE MAN she needs it you don't understand how serios this can get she may never be able to walk again if you Don't DO IT RING 911
  20. you said you feel bad cause this was your fault. youre going to feel even worse when she can never walk again because you didn't call 911.

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