I need help quick

Discussion in 'General' started by cjoII, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. It all started when I was around 11, maybe 12. I have this weird feeling in my neck, well in my upper spine area, It doesn't hurt, its just uncomfortable, So to get rid of the feeling I contract my muscles, mostly my jaw and neck muscles, but sometimes my lower back too, it only relieves the feeling for a few seconds but its worth it, I don't do this in public, not even around my parents, no one knows, Except me. I'm too embarrassed instead i move my neck around a lot as if it was sore, rotating it and just adjusting it. I don't know how to stop these contractions, or more importantly this weird feeling I get but I hope you guys can help, the muscle contractions are voluntary, I can stop doing it, but then the feeling just gets worse and worse and more uncomfortable, so my body just does it anyways when i'm not paying attention,because i'm not really consciously trying to stop it then, it happens a lot worse when i'm pissed off or especially when i'm frustrated. I just want it too stop. Please Anyone I need your help its been too long. Whenever i'm high it doesn't happen, or at least I don't remember it but I cant be high all the time. :cry:
  2. go to the doctor, anytime theres something wrong in the head kneck area, go to the doctor.
  3. I'm just worried, and embarrassed to tell anyone, I've been OK this long I just wanna wait until i have an idea of what it is that's wrong.
  4. No one here can help you. Go see a doctor.
  5. Why would you be embarrassed? Go to a doctor...
  6. Yeah, I really don't see how having a strange feeling in your spine would be embarrassing. Maybe if that feeling was in your nut-sack or something lol.
  7. Dude what if you have sclerosis or something?? Go to the fucking doctor having a pain in your spine is nothing to be embarrassed about.

    Now if you had a micro dick...
  8. Alright, I think ill have to go see a doctor, I guess i'm just scared to find out whats actually going on.
  9. Um I don't think sclerosis is a concern... Unless he meant scoliosis... But any time you have back or neck issues, it's best to go see a doctor. Trust me, I have 2 titanium rods, and 6 screws in my lower back because I waited too long to go to the doctor when my back started bothering me.

  10. That's understandable, bro. Just keep reminding yourself that not knowing what's going on and constantly living in an unaware, almost paranoid state is infinitely worse than actually understanding what's wrong with you.

    Besides, it's probably nothing and you'll feel so much better once the monkey is off your back. (Get it, off your back? God that was terrible.)
  11. Already been said but go and see a doctor. There is no reason to be embarassed by a pain in the neck/back. I have a severe spine injury I wish I had gone to the doc sooner.

  12. Yea thanks for the reassuring words :p haha.

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