I need help picking the right vaporizer for me.

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by bongtime157, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. #1 bongtime157, Jan 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2014
    Hello, I am new to the whole vaporizer thing, but my bong just broke so I was thinking about maybe getting a vaporizer. I would like a portable vaporizer with good battery, good vapor quality, little draw resistance, one that gives a good high, and finally one that I could use with multiple people at once. I was looking at the Pax, Ascent, and then I also really like the Extreme Q(even though it's not portable). I would also like one that doesn't smell much if that is possible? Or I could just use a Smokebuddy... Advice is much appreciated!!

  2. I've heard of it... I heard it doesn't have that great of a battery though
  3. #4 lFourTwenty, Jan 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2014
    Yeah that's true..the battery lasts about 40-45 minutes of vaporizing time. I have a car charger so that isn't really a problem for me because I do alot of driving.
    It's all depending on what you are looking for in a vaporizer..some vaporizers do things that others don't, so there are trade-offs.
    From your original post, it looks like you are looking for a vaporizer that can do everything. I don't think you're gonna be able to get that in a portable vaporizer.
    If you aren't dead set on a portable, you should check out 7th floor vaporizers - DBV, SSV, and LSV. They are great vapes at a reasonable price.
    That being said, I have a DBV that I haven't used since I got my Pinnacle pro :smoke:
  4. Truthfully I'm completely torn between portable and desktop! Portable is just a very nice quality since I'm smoking more on the weekends when I'm not at my house; but if I found a desktop with everything I'm looking for than I'll be sold haha
  5. If you want to vaporize away from home, don't buy a desktop lol.
  6. Exactly what I'm thinking, just need to find the right one for me 
  7. The Lotus is a very underrated portable on this site. I own one and I LOVE it. 
    Also check out the Pinnacle Pro.
    And since you mentioned desktop units, Check out the HerbalAire, Vapulation 2.0, Silver Surfer, and the Life Saber as well.
  8. Arizer solo, fantastic battery (I can run about 10-12 full 12 minute sessions depending on temp ) glass vapor path, mostly convection.Saves bud amazingly well, flavor fantastic, can get huge clouds if you want with no trouble. The stem can also be placed directly into a 14mm water pipe downstem, can also purchase gong adaptor for a better true fit in water pipe. Sent from my SCH-I510 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. Da Buddha Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. anyone with a solo that has planetvapes f bomb. check it. new f bomb with no f bomb logo. (very nice) 1394519663017.jpg
    this is a tube i picked up at the health store. next to it a powerade lid.
    the f bomb fits perfectly in the tube with the lip on the edge. the stock lid works but powerade lid is deeper (and available anywhere and fits perfectly.)
    watertite! you can protect and carry your planetvape f bomb water tube filled (i throw mine in the fridge) the lid seals it, you could store herb below it and it doesnt get wet. something totally random i found that you guys might enjoy. the tube was an energy poweder and around $6.
    works awesome GC!!
    Sent from my SGH-T989 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. #12 Puff That Stuff, Mar 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2014
    I'd think the Pinnacle Pro or the Arizer Solo. They both can be found around the same price. They both are very good units in terms of vapor production. Go for the Pinnacle Pro if you want an easier draw resistance but don't mind giving up some battery life and a bit of flavour. Go with the Arizer Solo if you want a better battery life and a bit better flavour, but don't mind losing the easy draw on the Pro.

    You can get the Pinnacle Pro for a good price from theyoyokid1 on ebay (You can send him offers) But I believe the water tools are on back order still. You can order one but you might not get it for a little bit.

    And you can get the Arizer Solo for very cheap from Randy at PuffItUp with the coupon Solo160 for $160. Or SoloVC and you get a Solo and a vape case with cutouts for the solo and all of its things for $190 (Also PuffItUp has a free 4-piece grinder that comes with your purchase)

    Sent from my Speak and Spell

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