i need help, is this nute burn? and will it affect my plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by hexxgrowsweedbadly, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. hi guys, i need to know if this is nute burn, and if i should just stop growing my plant. she’s about 2 weeks into flower and i don’t know what to do. it’s starting to worry me

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  2. This plant looks like it suffered from calcium deficiency, and possibly more. She looks stunted to me.
  3. so what do i do man, she’s defo growing but i don’t know what to do!
  4. first of all the reason flower pots are so big is you are supposed to FILL THEM with soil second off that thing will never in a million years give you anything worth smoking maybe 1 joint if you get lucky just keep it going but read a little about basic growing and start over
  5. let it be a lesson you need a good light source to grow anything but dont give up just keep trying
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  6. Concerning calcium deficiency, I would add a calmag supplement. You can purchase this for the future grow. If in soil, then mix some dolomite lime.
    Unfortunately, I think SOSO is right in the sense that this plant will not provide much of anything.
  7. thanks mann!
  8. #8 MickFoster, Jun 6, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2023
    Kill it and start over.........it's a total loss and waste of time at this point.
    Do some research first before you start again.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. How did it make it this far? Imagine how it will go with a few tweaks. How much did you learn in 1 grow? :thumbsup: :passing-joint:
  10. Leaf septoria
    More commonly known as yellow leaf spots, leaf septoria happens when your plants contract a type of harmful fungus that attacks them.

    These leave tell·tale spots that contain the fungus spores at their center.

    Learn how to restore leaf septoria.
  11. i honestly don’t know how it’s survived, i’ve learnt a lot to be honest bro. imma try again!
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