I need drugs, officer.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by KannaMan, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. I'm still laughing at what just happened, haha. I'm pretty sick and so I run out to Walgreens to get some cough/decongestant medicine because I feel like utter crap and can't breath. On my way there I forgot to put on my right blinker on a turn with the store in view. The officer approached my vehicle, told me why he pulled me over and I apologized and gave him my license and registration. He asked me what I was doing (mind you I do not sound like a normal person because I'm so congested) and I looked over to the Walgreens and said "I'm going to go get some drugs." He did a double take and I quickly realized what I had said and what he thought I had meant. I laughed and pointed over to the drugstore.

    Needless to say he let me off with a warning. Ah, good ol' hick Lubbock cops. :hello:
  2. I live in Conroe cops have been cool. I got a paraphenalia ticket but It could've been way worse.

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