Okay guys, I need your opinion on whether i treated my girlfriend like shit. Here it goes. My girlfriend and I met two years ago on Facebook. It was an instant click and everything was amazing until march of the following year. She was a clinger. Stage fucking 10. I couldn't do a damn thing without telling her or else she would cry and shit wouldn't be good. So I decided I would break up with her. After breaking up with her, she kept texting and calling and basically made me feel like complete shit. So a few days later after saying she won't do it again, I got back together. But as I should of known, shit doesn't change that fast. It went on for like 8 months, breakups and getting back. I bought her a promise ring one day because it was her birthday and it was a big deal for me. I was always there to listen to her problems and shit and never did anything she didn't like (besides smoking weed). One day she wouldn't leave me alone and I had a bit to drink as well as a bit to smoke and I was bullshitting with my buddy at his house. She wouldn't leave my phone alone and she was nagging the shit outta me about smoking (she hates it) and I was like don't be a cunt please give me breathing room! And right after I sent it I knew I shouldn't of. She stopped talking and left me alone for the night. The next day I get a fucking call from her mom saying blah blah blah you need to come and talk to me. I've never met her mom before ( Ik its weird as hell) so obviously this was the most awkward thing in the world. Long(er) story short, she kept in touch with her ex and while we were still dating, she kisses him and all this shit. A few days later breaks up with me and goes with him. I was heart broken. Like I didn't think I would be but it's not having her around that hurts the most. Now she realizes why she broke up with her ex in the first place and she's making all these posts saying oh you both treated me like shit blah blah blah. And reading that made me think.
Let it be, cut all contact from her, having her around in any aspect will just make getting over her harder.You deserve better man, you just have to convince yourself.
If anything, she treated you like shit. She obviously wanted to control everything you did, and then got annoyed when she found out she couldn't. Not your fault in the slightest. And getting off with her ex whilst you two were still technically together? Massive dick move imo.
Sometimes it's not about who's "right" or "wrong" in a breakup situation, it's just that two people are completely incompatible. You tried to make it work and it didn't, and it's unlikely that you could have done anything differently to change the outcome.
Bro.... for real man, if you don't feel like you want to be with her now then your feelings will not change later you will most likely keep going in circles until you just dont give a fuck anymore(which by the text you sent imo makes me think you are already in the i dont give a fuck boat)... So with that said if she was bothering you and you were drunk and smoked up then you sir are not a dick at all.
In my opinion your in the right. I'm guessing you made no attempt to try and control her life as much as she tried to control yours? If so, don't feel bad. You may of said the right thing but just in the wrong way - everybody needs their own breathing room because at the end of the day, your two people, not one. But like Chief said, its likely you could have done anything to change the outcome. learn, grow, and try to move on.
Thanks guys I really needed that. I've been in the dumps all summer and this made me feel a lot better. She said when school starts we'll see what happens. But that was before I found out all this shit with her ex. Fuck that shit.
She sounds like a shitty girlfriend IMO. Sucks she broke your heart though. But we've all had our heartbreak stories.
[quote name='"Wavelength"']She sounds like a shitty girlfriend IMO. Sucks she broke your heart though. But we've all had our heartbreak stories.[/quote] When we were together she was an amazing girlfriend but when we weren't hanging out, it was another story
Well you shouldn't have got back with her to begin with. Expecting someone to change, and then not really doing anything when shit doesn't change sorta always leads you into this spot. If you're in a rocky relationship and you're always patching shit together, eventually there will be a time you can't patch up. Just try to forget her and move on
[quote name='"Mogwai"']Well you shouldn't have got back with her to begin with. Expecting someone to change, and then not really doing anything when shit doesn't change sorta always leads you into this spot. If you're in a rocky relationship and you're always patching shit together, eventually there will be a time you can't patch up. Just try to forget her and move on[/quote] Honestly you're right and I wish I never got back the first time. People never change I guess :/
Hey man, first post. Don't worry about it man, girls are strange, you're not really at all in the wrong. I had an obsessive girlfriend who I (regretfully) called my "first love" all those years back and when she left me, I felt like a big void suddenly appeared in my life, like there was just suddenly no point being here.. but it gets better man, especially when it's not your fault. Just stick with your friends and cut all contact, it'll get much better, I promise you! Alternatively, get a girl that tokes. The sex is brilliant!
Drop her like a hot rock. Clingy girls will be the fucking death of you. I have a friend who's wife is like that. She runs him in to the ground. Calls every hour. No time for himself. If he stops for gas after work she grills him wondering why he is late. Shit is nuts. He has no self confidence so he won't leave her. Run rabbit run.
[quote name='"Mister Meaner"']Drop her like a hot rock. Clingy girls will be the fucking death of you. I have a friend who's wife is like that. She runs him in to the ground. Calls every hour. No time for himself. If he stops for gas after work she grills him wondering why he is late. Shit is nuts. He has no self confidence so he won't leave her. Run rabbit run.[/quote] damn dude after reading that it kinda clicked. Everything my friends have been telling me, haha you sound like one of them. I hope your friend can save himself before its too late
that BITCH was a hypocrite!! she fucking back stabbed you dude... how evil. You did no wrong OP. she at least suck your dick right?
sounds like she is immature. get over it quick, man.. relationships like that aren't worth it. not saying you were completely right, definitely shouldn't have called her a cunt. but seems like you two just weren't right for each other. i mean, really... on again/off again for months? cmon man!
[quote name='"zowie"']that bitch was a hypocrite!! She fucking back stabbed you dude... How evil. You did no wrong op. She at least suck your dick right?[/quote] yes
[quote name='"fluffystoner"'] yes [/quote] Lol okay she suck you dick it's all good then. At least she put that mouth to good use and shut up for the duration of dick sucking.