I need advice.

Discussion in 'General' started by 4blunt2king0, May 4, 2009.

  1. So there is this girl that i have kinda been crushing on and lately we have been hanging out. Now she is pretty much against any type of drugs and because i knew this i told her i dont do anything.

    Im so confused on what to do.

    Do i keep doing it but keep it on the dl ?

    Do i stop completely ?

    Do i say fuck a bitch and keep doing my thing ?

    Im really confused on what to do.
  2. The union.
  3. do what feels right man. if you really like the girl you have two choices. risk her leaving because you smoke. or quit for the time being if you think she's really worth it.

    there's no turning back if you quit cause you can't tell her later that you were a stoner before you met her or she won't know what else you were hiding. so it's now or never.
  4. #4 NIXXXON, May 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2009
    kill the bitch.

    sorry wrong thread

  5. Lmao. Unnecessary as fuck...
  6. i'd say

    be honest, for one. this doesn't mean you have to completely open up about it, but i wouldn't lie.

    i went out with this girl for about 18 months around my senior year of high school. i smoked for the majority of this time and had a handful of intensely spiritual mushroom trips. i never once lied to her about my drug use, but she only found out when it casually came up in conversation about a year and a half after we broke up. she never asked and never suspected it. i never overtly tried to hide it from her, but i made sure she never had to deal with the repercussions of me doing what i did.

    you don't have to change your actions, but you should be prepared to consider the thoughts, opinions, and perspectives of others in addition to being prepared enough to defend your standpoint.

    this means knowing what you're talking about, listening to what she's talking about, and being able to work your way through any differences you two might have.

    if, for some reason, you feel the need to curb your drug use to be in the relationship with her, you need to make sure you're being honest to yourself so that you don't eat shit in 6 months when those tensions manifest themselves in some form or another.

    good luck, man. just keep yourself clean in your actions, be respectful, be honest, and be open minded. if she's definitely going to be frowning on drug use but you aren't sure whether or not you can stop, you need to embrace the fact that shes probably better off with someone else and so are you.

  7. I love how it applys to this thread as well:bolt:
  8. Amen

    There are too many tolerant girls out there to waste your time on a close minded one, either your girl gets tolerant, or you leave her in the dust. The union would be a great video to show her.

    Also, if she is a drinker, tell her there is this crazy new drug out that causes dizziness, headache, vomiting and blackouts, it impairs speech, judgment, coordination, cognition and memory. It depresses respiration which can lead to death after a single session of drug use. It's withdrawal symptoms include rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, chills, fever, chest pain, nausea with recurrent vomiting, abdominal pain, hallucinations and seizures, sometimes resulting in death. The users suffer from peptic ulcers, liver failure, pancreatic cysts, high blood pressure, stroke, metabolic abnormalities, malnutrition, lung and urinary tract infections, brain damage and cancers of the mouth, layrnx, esophagus, pancreas, liver, stomach, colon and breast. It's use is also associated with depression, suicide, unemployment, divorce, domestic violence, assault, homicide and vehicular accidents.

    Then be like "bitch that's your weekend drug of choice in a nutshell, leave me and my weed alone"

    Then tell her that saying a washed up, drop out with no job is the average pot smoker, is like saying the no good drunk passed out in the street after a fight is the average drinker. Tell her she should judge you on you, not the drugs you take.

    If you become a washed up failure at life, sure she can dump you, but as long as you're a chill dude with his life together she should be ok if you smoke a little dope.
  9. Mane.. ima be straight with you. No woman is worth giving up your values for.. I've had straight edge girls who hated drugs, but i was a drug dilla n they knew what they were gettin into.. tried changin me.. one succeeded for bout a year.. but i changed right back.. no pussy is worth changin YOU.

    Do what you do homie, but always rememebr... theres more pussy in this world.. my girl now is a huge stoner so im lovin it...

    stay up mane.. im fuckn wasted right now

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