this probably started 1.5 weeks ago...thought nothing of it at the time, maybe its nothing. it is effecting only about two plants in my crop right now but i want to know if anybody out there can diagnosis what is happening to my leaves w/these pics... could this b something genetic? another angle and this one looks like the tips being burn but is under a 24w its not that.
My first thought would be bugs of some kind, leaves don't just develop holes like that without some kind of insect "help". A shower with Safer soap or Neem oil should take care of that. The picture with the yellowing leaf tips looks like heat burn, but with only a 24w bulb, thats not likely the cause unless its very close to the plant. Its not uncommon for plants to develop a few yellow leaf tips even when all conditions are being met correctly. Unless it starts spreading to a majority of the leaves, I wouldn't stress about it.
The Complete guide to Sick Plants,pH, and Pest troubles! - International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums check the abuse chart. scroll threw it all and see if you can figure out what you may be facing. there are treatments on this site aswell. its the best thing out there for diagnostic
Yeah looks like pest damage to me as well. Check out the Organic Insecticide posts over in the Organic Growers section for ways to take care of them. You aren't seeing any webbing anywhere on your plants, right? ~Experimentalist
i took a close look with a magnifying lens. there are no signs of pests. no webbing, and the holes don't seem to be getting any bigger nor transferring to any of my other ladies. also the last picture w/ the burnt tip...not stunting any growth or getting any worse. I'm just going to have 2 keep a closer eye on them.
I had the same thing, found very tiny fly's with clear wings. It took me weeks to actually see one on a plant. try yellow sticky traps to see if you have any type of whitefly or fungus gnat problem.
Yeah it could still be pests. Then again perhaps you just nicked those leaves sometime when they were really young? I've done that, in fact you can see a tiny hole where I accidentally scored a leaf when it was very young. ~Experimentalist
You damaged the leaves somehow when they were very young, when they just began to emerge... although the damage may seem bad now, the cause of this could be as simple as scratching emerging leaves with a half-bitten fingernail or pinching unknowingly. This is not a pest infestation, dont trip.
I have seen this many times, it is a pest, however it is not real bad. Look over your leaves really well preferably with a mag nifying glass and see if you notice any eggs or small pests, also, look over your room very well to see if there may be some flying insects, this made me crazy once looking over my plants, but then found it was some form of flying bug that was easily taken care of. less