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I need a not get caught kit.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Weedology, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. #1 Weedology, Feb 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2014
    I live with my mother still and she found my bongs and pipes and said if im going to smoke at least dont make it obvious. So i am planning on buying a small piece. I was wondering if i should buy a bubbler or just a nice thick small bowl and a nice little grinder. But what else should i buy like whats a good kit to hide my pot smoking. I will blow out of the window but i still want to know what else to buy like eye drops and stuff to get rid of the smell on me and something i can hide my bowl and grinder and pot in thats hidden. Thanks
    Edit: and something like the red bull can but maybe bigger.
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  2. Go outside with a pipe,Clear eyes Maximum Itchy relief,colone or body spray and a pack of Gum
  3. buy the biggest bong you can find and attach a note saying "is this too obvious?" on it
  4. Haha lol good one

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  5. Lmfao i had a two footer hahahhahahaha on my fucking counter dude i didnt think she'd care much at this age and point of time but i guess shes going to treat me like a fucking kid. Shes scared if cops come in because my sister works in the department

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  6. lol, yo momma and your sister are likely getin it on if you know what i mean
  7. Nah not really dont really care what youre saying. You gonna give advice or be a joke

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  8. So basically you want to be as discreet as possible. Some things you'll need are:
    -eye drops: I rate rohto as the best drops, then clear eyes and then Visine.
    -glass bowl/chillum/steamroller/one hitter.
    -grinder: I personally use a Chromium Crusher and it works great. It grinds the weed quickly and gets it to a nice fine consistency. (4 chamber to collect kief)

    If you want to smoke in your room, then open your window, put a small (or those square, kinda outdated fans) into your window so it blows the air out. Also, put a towel under the door. What I do is take a shower and use that tower because the damp towel actually does better at keeping the smoke in. (Same idea when there's a fire and you put a wet towel under the door to prevent smoke and fire coming in)

    Anyways, smoke, and blow the smoke out through the fan. Also, after you light the bowl, cap it/ cover it with your fingers (index and middle) this way, it stops smoke from being released and if it's cherried (or still lit) then it puts it out and conserves weed.

    That's about it, if you have ozium or febreeze you can spray that. If not, then just let it air out over night.

    Or if you go outside to smoke, after you finish walk around and air yourself out, just for a minute or two. Then walk inside and go straight to the bathroom. Wash your hands and face. Or if your laundry room is right by the door, you can get some dryer sheets and pat yourself down with it. Use eye drops before you smoke if you want it prevents me from getting red eyes at all

    Good luck
  9. Buy a portable vape or a start smoking bho out of vape pens
  10. Get a cape then when you blow smoke blownit into a toilet paper roll with 5or 6 dryer sheets in this and tape them over the top and bottom and put some in the middle

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  11. #12 Weedology, Feb 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2014
    Is the high smoother from a bowl then a bubbler? Small bubbler. Like which will give me more of a high from smaller amounts of weed

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  12. That looked like a bunch of gibberish on my part, sorry. Get a cape. Then do the toilet paper filter

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  13. Also, if it's cold and you don't want to open a window, get a water bottle, poke 5-6 holes on the bottom,and fill it with dryer sheets until it fills up the bottle and breathe the smoke through the part you usually drink out of. It's not fool proof but definitely helps to not get it smelling like dank bud haha
  14. no, a bubbler is definitely smoother because the smoke goes through the water which cools it down. But for me, they are just a pain in the ass to clean, and they smell a bit more than a bowl because of the water. But if you don't like harsh hits and coughing (so you don't make noise) then invest in a good size bubbler
  15. Idc much for the cold i mean i love it

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  16. Guess thats what happens when you cant read?

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  17. Better yet, instead of a note... glue an old cord to it and put a big lamp shade on it...
  18. More like I can't type

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