can someone pleeeeaaaasseee post an xbox live free trial code thing i could use? the ones that are in your game cases and stuff. help me out guys. thanks
Disable your gold account. Look on your dashboard a few hours later for a $2 for 2 months of service offer... It works everytime.
You can make a new account with a free month of gold membership up to 9 times on your xbox. Just make a new profile and itll be there as an offer on your dashboard.
i am not sure you are aware, but netflix on xbox live is the most amazing thing ever and you can litterally find anything to watch.... im feining for these codes
Well if you have netflix on your xbox you have to have an acc. So just watch the shit on you computer. By the way add me, I'll fuck any of you up in any COD and Bfbc2 GT- Gu3sswh0h1tu
if your account has already been activated, you can't use 2 day-or 1 month codes to keep adding time to your xbox, the code will be invalid everytime. I have tried.
Make a new account, and when they offer you gold. say No, then they will give you a month free i think it is One Love