I make blunts run and I have no clue why

Discussion in 'General' started by Elleaypea, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. I ALWAYS make blunts run. It’s more rare that my blunt doesn’t run, than it does. It doesn’t matter if I roll it or someone else does, the person I smoke with doesn’t make it run at all, will fix it after me hitting it and then will hit it and it doesn’t run. But I hit it again after and it instantly runs.

    It’s almost like I pull harder on one side of my mouth than the other, and it’s always the same side.

    Does anyone have any idea what I’m doing?
  2. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  3. I'm not sure it's possible to pull AIR to one side way through a singular spherical object, that's like saying your sucking water sideways out of a straw your either pulling air through it or not. Also what do you they will fix it, how do they fix it? No one would really be able to tell you without seeing visually. The only thing I can think is your pulling way harder then everyone else.
  4. If you are talking about joints but using tobacco instead of paper, I know how you feel. I couldn't roll to save my life. I even had my son-in-law to show me and he's an expert. I still couldn't do it. That's why I use pipes and bongs. Some people are an artist at rolling, and some people like me suck at it. Even Snoop has someone to roll his blunts for him. And if I had his money, I would hire someone too.
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  5. I would absolutely hire someone to roll mine too! I am by no means perfect and will never claim to be, but it’s taken a lot of practice to get to where I am now! Plus I have such ocd, it bugs me when it’s messed up so it takes a little too long sometimes. What a world it would be though to BE someone’s personal roller get paid an insane amount of money just to sit and play with weed all day lol
  6. Who even uses that word anymore?
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  7. I feel like I don’t hit it hard enough. Could that make it run? I’ve tried hitting it slower, harder, in between.. I just don’t know how to fix what I’m doing lol and I totally agree with the straw thing, I don’t understand it either! But I’ll try not pulling so hard
  8. I’m not a fan of bongs or pipes anymore lol
  9. R U trying to suck a golf ball thru a garden hose? Maybe your oral skills lie elsewhere? jk lol;) Add some sugar leaf to your mix & don't roll it too tight? A slower burning paper? Practice makes perfect. :weed-4:
  10. I don't get the whole cone concept. If you want something to burn evenly, why make it larger on 1 end? Try rolling a "normal" joint, does it still run? Some real sticky dank not dried/cured enough bud? Is the mix somewhat uniform? One of those mysteries of life like, why does campfire smoke always follow me?
  11. I know, right? That is a dream job! I'm not sure, but I think they get paid $35,000 a year from just one celebrity. I heard Snoop's Roller works for other celebs too, like Madonna.

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