I always like when people have something kind of quirky that's not traditionally thought of as being beautiful. What's something unique about your appearance? (And I mean something that was there naturally, not something you did to alter yourself.)
I think almost everyone has a little something wrong with them usually its has something to do with being A-symmetrical. Its hard to be the same on both sides ya know? One of my eyes open more then the other.. Not noticeable when i get enough sleep, actually its probably almost never that noticeable but it bugs the shit out of me especially when im really high or drunk. I went through a point in my life where i didn't even want to look people in the eyes because i was afraid i looked weird. I get alot of people who tell me im attractive but once you notice a flaw in yourself its hard to maintain confidence.. Which makes it weird that you find flaws attractive....
Haha. That's actually kind of why I made this thread. A couple of years ago a guy pointed out to me that my eyes are different colour, and at the time it really bothered me, but I've learned to like that about myself. Now I even think it's kind of cool. Or I have a lot of friends that have these little things that they don't like about themselves that I often find to be really cute or sexy.
i have a freckle pattern on my leg that makes an upside down star, my eyes turn orange sometimes, and constantly have a black ring around the iris, also my eyes are kinda big...my mouth is naturally pouty mouth, if im not smiling, i always look like im pouting...lol idk, im sure theres more, but i try not to think of those things
I think that's cool as fuck. We don't really need pinky toes. Maybe you're just evolving faster than most. Ha.
Haha. Okay. I have a friend that has a really big one. I've never done anything with him, but he's shown me. And seriously, it must suck to have a dick that big. It's like SCARY big.
Left leg and left arm longer than right leg/arm lol. My right eye becomes about half open if I am high no matter what while left eye looks normal, idk why this happens...