I LOVE weed! But I Hate what it does it me

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by petrified, Apr 3, 2003.

  1. Ok let me clarify this first....
    i love weed, i really do...but i love it soo much, that i hate it, but i still love it.
    that must have startled a whole shit load of u guys...
    but check...
    i love weed so much, that i want to smoke it all the fucking time...any time i got some weed with me, i will end up giving someone a call...decide to meet up and smoke...i have been baked EVERY DAY for the past 3 months...and quite frankly even though i love the highs...what i absolutly hate is the fact that when i am high, i cant do shit that i gotta be doing, like working, or doing assignments and shit...now i got exams comming up...and its fucking me up the butthold as i been stoned for the past entire acedemic year....FUCK FUCK FUCK....(please ignore the profanity, but sometimes only that word can describe how i feel...and this time i got to use it 3 times, in CAPS...u know how i feel)
    and the fucking stupid thing is that even when i am studing...i keep telling my self...after exams u can smoke as much as u want...BUT STILL...i will smoke at night and shit...and all day i cant do work for shit...cuz all i think about is my baggie of green happiness....
    digging this hole deaper and deaper day by day, and qutie frankly it sucks.
  2. Man, you really need to take a break...don't let it control your life like that
  3. yeah i know what u mean....thats why i hate it...cuz it is controlling me like that
    its not that i am addicited (like all aditics would say) but....i dont know....i enjoy it too much....and i know next year, when i start work *real work* i wont be able to smoke at all....so got to make the most of it....
    are u able to easily control it? aint it difficult to control if u got access to it 24/7, and your uni's biggest supplier is your best friend?
  4. Well, I can still function when I'm high....I work, and study (well, I did in high school), and do other stuff high....doesn't faze me
  5. true that, there is fuctioning, and fuctiioning to full capability....its the later that i need...and cant have when high...
    mind u though....some of the best essays i write are generally outlined, and initial draft is written while high.....but then again.....need to do the finishin touches when sober....
    but the feeling while high is so fucking good....AAAHHHHHHH....and the sweet smell of marijuana turning into smoke, going towards heaven....mmmmmmm......how irresistable!
  6. *I kinda have a hard time myself when it comes to getting shit done while you're baked...but I've realized if you try and make it a little more fun than usual you get really excited and motivated. Like say you've gotta vaccumm your living room or something like that...burn yourself a "Cleaning/Smoking Cd" with all your favorite songs on it and rock out while you're cleaning...and I don't know if you wanna get desperate...when you're writing a paper...just think to yourself that you can smoke as many bowls as you write pages...hehe...the sad thing is is that I acutally know someone like that!!! Anyway, do what you gotta do man...dont' let it be your first priority though...
  7. I get extremely lazy when I toke. I dont do shit. If I do have to do something, I tell myself I just cant smoke right now, cause I know how i get. you gotta take that all in stride, you just gotta know yourself and just come to terms with it. it sucks cause, YEAH! i love to get high! i would like to do everything all the time high, but I just know, nothing would ever get done!
  8. I have access to it 24/7 but the difference with me is that it motivates my ass. I'll get high just to get shit done. When I was on my break, I actually felt like I was getting lazy.

    It affects us all differently, though...and there are times when all I want to do is just kick back and chill. I think that it has to do with your original mindset before you toke up.
  9. and dont ask me to make any decisions
  10. erm, yes weed affects people differently. i get one out of two things, a) super-lazy b) super creative. and its either or, no combination. what seems (to me at least) to make the difference is deadlines :)
  11. damn...... u should put your bud away from your eye's view, and do your priorities first, like study, or shop, or whatever, then after everything u needed to be done is.... the light a fatty J...... dont let it control your life like that....
  12. It kinda affect me randomly. Like most times I'll just kick back. But then sometimes I feel like just getting up and taking care of something i wanted to for a while.. like cleaning, or calling somebody..
  13. if you affects you in a way thats fucking up your life you should only smoke yourself to sleep and during weekends and shit
  14. whenever i get high i go kind of crazy, and start saying weird stuff like "cockadodaler" and i sometimes think i am flying ( dont know if that has ever happened to you) but i think if ireallyreallyreallyreally focused, i could control myself. I really wanna try to go to school high once but i think i will flip out and make fun of my fat world history teacher.
  15. Mmmm....im feelin u guys that weeds takin u over slowly not like 'propper' takin u over just like a bit...
    u relly love the buzz but u have that litller bit inside saying Hmm....or i got this to do that to do...
    with weed u should really know wear u satnd! thats the main thing. do the things u have to do then when ure 'FREE' then jus get sooooo fucked u will enjoy it loads more trust me! it works 4 me (****) plz ppl feel what im sayin the main thing is...

  16. i know what u mean...im in school too and when i smoke i cant do jack.
    i try to finish all my shit before i start tokin, that way its more enjoyable and you dont have to worry about all the shit u didnt do :smoking: cheers!
  17. id like to toss up an alternative to quitting -

    get a vaporizor and smoke smaller amounts, maybe you'll get motivated to do your work, it's always easier to do work when you don't have a strong body buzz and just feel like chillin. hm?
  18. yeah thats how i was...luckily i woke the fuck up and realized...things are good now...but honestly cut back totally...then slowly go back to it once things are a little more "unscrambled"
  19. dude its the opposite for me... i auctucally hate schoolwork so much, i cant even bring myself to do it sober really..... i just.... hate it... with a passion undeniably laced with intense rage. but i can also function at full capability stoned, if not better.... so i love it! :) but lay off the ganja man.... school first! write it in sharpie on the back of both of your hands
  20. wow, this is a real dilemma for you I can see. It seems you've chosen employment that won't allow you to remain a smoker. that seems like it would add considerable pressure on you to get high now while you still can. I know for me taking a week off now and then isn't very difficult, because I know there isn't a point in time coming up when I won't be able to smoke any more. I don't know how married you are to the choice in employment you're working toward, but I might consider something that wouldn't eliminate a part of my life that I enjoy a great deal. either that or at least a minor that you can fall back on should you decide a year or two into the job market you decide f this, I'm just not enjoying my life the level I know is possible. good luck, peace

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