I lost my stupid pipe.

Discussion in 'General' started by MrChris, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. I lost my stupid pipe.:confused: Its just gone.:confused: i know that nobody stole it. i think my mom may have found it, but im not sure. she would not have told me if she did or not, but im not gonna ask her if she took it. i would be like "hell yeah" if she took it and gave it back but i dont want to ask her for it because if she didnt find it i would feel like an ass for asking and then she would bitch for days. has this ever happened to you guys.

    if someone would like to donate one i will rep you.lol. just kiddin'
  2. Buy a new one?
    A good glass spoon only costs $20.
  3. I used to smoke on my back porch all the time and left by bubbler out there. One day my dad came over to help fix shit up, but I had to go to work. When I returned the piece was gone. I thought he took it, I was displeased. Like a month later I found it in the grass, this made me happy. To my dismay I had a party a few months later and someone stole it. Why would they do such a thing, bastards.

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