i lost 18 pounds in 2 months

Discussion in 'General' started by kbubb91, Nov 9, 2011.

  1. i used to weigh 175ish
    after smoking pot, taking mega mens sports(metabolism booster agents), hitting the gym 2 times a week, and eating healthy instead of junk.
    i now weigh 158ish
    also my jump and running speed are at levels i never thought possible.
    i just ran on the tred at 10 mph(6:00 pace) for 15 minutes straight. when i was done, i was still able to move easily(minimal fatigue)
  2. Right on bro, I went from 218 to 195 in 3 months. Now I'm back up to 204 somehow lol
  3. I lost 9 pounds in one day

    but it was before a colonoscopy....
  4. i was just trying to lose a few pounds so i would be more fit to run a 10K race. i think im more then ready now, i just have to get my cardo up a hair and i could be a top competitor.
  5. You did this because : taking mega mens sports(metabolism booster agents), hitting the gym 2 times a week, and eating healthy instead of junk.
  6. no thats how i lost the weight, i did it for a 10K i want to enter in january
  7. Good work OP. I went from 225 to 176 in 5 months and my year workout routine ends in June 2012. Mostly speedrope and weight lifting with good diet. Keep it up!

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