I look to young

Discussion in 'General' started by rastaziggy, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Literally this is the worst thing ever and it's making me so depressed. Everytime I go into a pub there will be atleast one group of people that will point at me and laugh. No it's not in my head trust me, sometimes they'll come up to me and say to my face that I look to young to be drinking. I can't blame them though, you can't help but stare at someone that looks completely out of place when you look like you could be in year 10 it gets me so down. I look so young and innocent which pisses me off to no end! I apparently look like a virgin as well as I've been told. How can I cope walking around uni campus and going to pubs and that when I get stared down all the time? I try and not let it get to me buts its proving impossible to me at the moment I can't stand it.

  2. Fake it till you make it bruh. Just act confident and grow some facial hair, even if its only a little. 
  3. Fuck it.
    Enjoy these days because all too soon they will be gone. :smoke:
  4. #4 Cobra Commander, Jan 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2014
    Why care? I know it's easier said than done. But words are words. Last time I checked looking young wasn't like some hilarious affliction.

    Plus these are just randoms in a pub right?
  5. That's a blessing OP. In 20 years you'll look about the same you do now as long as you take good care of your health. All the others who look older now will not age well
  6. im 24 and people guess that im 30. thats what stress will do to you
  7. [​IMG]
    enjoy the youthful appearance while you can...
  8. grow some facial hair. its sexy and will make you look older
  9. #9 Bamboobam, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
    I would rather look really young than really old. You've seen Lorde the singer? She's only 17 and looks 30.
  10. Grow a beard. Without one I look 16 but with it people think I'm at least around 20
  11. Act like a man and say fuck you to haters. Aging well is a blessing.you will love it when your older and your peers got wrinkles

    Sent from my Prism II using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. Hon, 30 years from now you will be delighted that you look so much younger! :yay:
  13. How does one stop looking like a virgin? I would think the virgin thing is more of a confidence issue than how young you look. Or maybe it is how you dress. You must somehow shop in the virgin isle of Wal-Mart that magically disappears when you've had sex. Lol.
  14. #14 Slick_Rick, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
    [quote name="Typhoom" post="19292276" timestamp="1389049498"]Grow a beard. Without one I look 16 but with it people think I'm at least around 20[/quote] This.I just shaved and I was like damn I look like a tall 16 year old. Gotta wait a few days so that ends..
  15. I'm 20 and everyone says I look like I'm 14. I have a baby face for sure and I've dealt with looking younger than my peers all throughout high school. Whenever anyone hears that I smoke they are completely surprised. That gets annoying. I may look "innocent" but I would assume just about anyone around my age smokes unless they find it morally wrong.However, I am a girl and society is generally better at accepting girls who look much younger than their age than men so I don't really know what to say besides dont let it get you down. You're not the only baby faced man in the world and you aren't the last. These men are still men and so are you. the way you look, especially arbitrary traits that solidly what is to be a man, don't matter and aren't real
  16. [​IMG]
  17. pics or troll...
  18. Love your baby face!! I do lol
    I know when I get older I will still be lookin young as hell....thanks to my parents.
  19. Exactly!
  20. I've been told I look young also. Look at it this way, when you get older you'll look younger.

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