I' ll never vote Democrat again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 4fingerliddays, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. Post some evidence to this ridiculous claim.

    Blaming CNN. What fucking cop out man.
  2. No, I believe you said that. And your effort to change the planet the way you want would make more sense if you try to reach out to China and India for starters.. Let me know how that works out for you and your friends. Good luck.
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  3. I guess I heard the door slam. LOL
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  4. Have you forgotten David Duke?

    It is a falsehood that the Dems started the clan.

    Klansmen were influential inside both major parties, pushing racism, nativism, Prohibition and especially anti-Catholicism. In the South, Jim Crow-supporting Democrats made a natural fit for the KKK. But in Midwestern industrial towns full of immigrant Catholics and Jews who voted Democratic, the Klan took root largely among Republicans. The Klan was Democratic in Oregon and Republican in Indiana — two of its biggest strongholds. By the end of the decade, the organization, whose membership remained semi-secret, claimed 11 governors, 16 senators and as many as 75 congressmen —roughly split between Republicans and Democrats.

    Its initial successes in state and local elections prompted the Klan to turn its attention toward the White House in 1924. Its imperial wizard, Hiram W. Evans, first descended on Cleveland, where Republicans had gathered to nominate Calvin Coolidge. There, about 60 Klan leaders and lobbyists prevailed upon party officials to smother a resolution condemning the Klan before it ever went to a floor vote, a move called a “brilliant victory” by The Fiery Cross, a Klan newspaper in Indianapolis that also described the Republican convention as having a “real, genuine Klan atmosphere.”
    - The Washington Post

  5. You left out the Clintons mentor, Senator Byrd as the modern day democratic trophy for the Klan. I wonder how many more of Byrds buddies are hiding amongst the democratic party. #walkaway while you still can..lol
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  6. Ok, so you admit you're ignorant about climate change and don't believe the science behind man made climate change. Is that right?
  7. The fuck you talking about? Post some evidence dude.
  8. I think he made his point quite clear.

    Also, it's "you're" not "your".

    Pretty ignorant, since you like to use that recently-popular phrase to attempt to diminish his point.
  9. Am I talking to you? And no he didn't make his point clear. Check my edit grammar cop. Could you try and be just a little more annoying? Thanks.

    You'res truly
  10. You're not, but you're posting on a public forum, therefore you're open to public replies.

    His point is fairly well articulated, so if you want to twist someone's point of view and call him "ignorant" , the least you could do is spell it right :smoke:
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  11. GTFOOH.

    He can speak for himself. Or is he too ignorant and you feel you need to help him?

    Do you believe in man made climate and believe the warnings of the worlds top scientists?
  12. He can. I still take pleasure in pointing your standard hypocrisy of calling someone "ignorant" who disagrees with you, while you are failing basic grammar :D

    As far as the issue goes, I think the information about it has been politically poisoned early on, so at this point it would do everyone well to take the info with a grain of salt.

    Do you take 100% confidence in the publicly-disclosed scientific data you are offered?
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  13. If you go back and read, he stated he didn't know what causes the climate to change. Ignorance.

    I don;t give a fuck about grammar and your feelings on it. Fuck that shit.

    I believe in the science of man made climate change and believe carbon emissions is responsible.
  14. Wizard, calm down. everything is OK. You want me to agree with what you think about man made global warming and I gave you two places to look at that have so much pollution the people wear filters on there faces. China and India. Let your friends know and maybe you can make a difference where it counts. Just a heads up...nitro
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  15. Pointing the blame is not entirely the point. We're all to blame. The point is do you believe humans are the cause of global climate change? We haven't gotten to the part about what we do about it yet...
  16. Wizard, I can't jump on the train your riding on, sorry. I have the best air to breath on the Oregon coast and feel like I am spoiled with fresh seafood and fresh marine air in front of my house. Now if you could focus on where your man made global pollution is off the charts the sooner you would have the results your looking for. China and India..
  17. nonsense deflection. answer the question I asked.
  18. Wizard, Read my post slower.........and you will see the answer you are looking for..
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    • Funny Funny x 1

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