I like this post

Discussion in 'General' started by Makizushi, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. And now I can tell everyone!

    yay.. grasscity --> facebook???
    oh hell no

    I express my like via rep, not this public bs.

    Can I get a hell yeah?
  2. hellz ya, not to mention that it added that annoying space at the end of every post too
  3. this couldn't be a response to facebooks removing the grasscity page, that would be silly to suggest.
  4. strange.

    aw man, i cant like my own posts. thats the only reason i posted this!
  5. #6 DV, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
    Yeah I don't really care for it either OP.
    I like the look of the boards cleaner....
    that bar is annoying as hell. If anything
    it should just be smaller in a corner or
    you should have the option to hide it.
  6. I'm hoping this is temporary. Fuck why does everything have to change to some new popular format right as I join gc :devious:
  7. *i want to express my opinion but i dont have anything useful to add so i'll just press this button right hurr*

    i like therefor i am
  8. these threads are gonna start getting locked, is it that hard not to click on a feature you don't like ?
  9. id rather not connect my real life with my gc persona.

    that said, im high.
  10. Yeah I just saw this........I thought it was something someone posted...then I went to another thread and it was on like every one and yeah :eek:

    I dislike
  11. I like that you dislike, but i dont want to press that "Like" link. :p:smoking:
  12. I don't understand facebook, therefore I don't understand this new "like" thing, SO therefore....

    Hell yeah :smoke:
  13. i fucking hate you quasicon :devious:
  14. It would be kind of nice if it was an optional user feature. just sayin'

    like you could allow or disallow it for your posts
  15. I'm not sure I need to be made aware of just how many dick riders I have. My ego is already out of control.
  16. CAPSLOCK I thought you actually liked my posttttt!! neooooooooo
  17. I personally think the like option is stupid and goes against what forums are for
  18. If I click it am I going to end up w/ an automatic facebook account? I don't want one.
  19. thank you mods for making what we all needed possible... like buttons honestly connect communities :eek:

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