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i know weed lasts a long time...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by psychocircus91, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. But my friend said she had some great weed from the 70's if I wanted to smoke with her...


    Seems unrealistic to me, not sure why anyone would save weed for forty years..
  2. Bullshit. Or its the dryest, grungiest bud you will ever smoke.
  3. Hahahahaha
  4. Does your friend look like Marty McFly in a wig? If so, smoke that shit, it's probably damn fresh.

    If not, smoke that shit anyway, weed is weed.
  5. my thoughts... but she doesn't buy from dealers. she gets it from her friends who don't sell for profit. they just hook her up. guess someone lied to be cool.
  6. Smoke it just to say you did.

    I sure as hell would.
  7. sorry. story was mistold. this happened about a month ago and I couldn't hang that day so I never got to try it. I'll never know..
  8. Bingo.

    Probably be dry as shit and harsh as a motherfucker, but might lead to a different kind of high. My aunt was holding onto some stuff for a friend in the 70's and the friend never came back so I ended up smoking it...coughed like no fucking other but the high was definitely something amazing.
  9. Its that Dolorean back to the future herb man! Pass Dat Shit!!!

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