I know this is random for grassity but you never know who could be on here lol

Discussion in 'General' started by Vanillabean, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. Ok so if your not a gay man or some type of decorator you probably think this is dumb but what can I say I'm desperate I've been searching the Internet all night looking for advice on how to decorate my bedroom so I figured eh why not ask gravity you never know who could be on here.nanyang who I have a really strange shaped room I'm not sure what purpose the builder of my house had when he designed my room because it makes no fucking sense. It's like a weird sideways L shape that I've tried to recreate on this European design site so hopefully the link works. If anyone who knows anything about fungi shui or how to create positive energy in a room I'd love to hear from you http://http://us.mydeco.com/3d-design/alicia/1939737/
  2. Sorry on an iPad stupid fucking autocorrect
  3. is this post for reals or is it just an excuse to paste in that link
  4. You asked gravity for decorating advice?
  5. Grassity my iPad autocorrected it to gravity and why would i want an excuse to post that link it's just a layout of a bedroom....like i said before this post is probably not very interesting to most but you never know there might be an interior decorator somewhere on here or something

  6. Yeah, it may be off-topic, but don't ya hate autocorrect?! :mad:

    It's made me appear a fool on GC many of times.
  7. Well what's your personality like? What interests you? My taste for decoration may not suit your tastes. So before I start throwing ideas all about willy nilly let us know, because it always helps to know a few things about the person.
  8. Rep michigan Avgtoker!!!!! Also the link didn't work for me

    Ohhh nooo right?

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