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I know it's mids...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PaPa, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Is 110 fair in MA for 1/2 of an ounce for mids, Their brick but not too bad I havent looked at em, and will. Im not into mids, but I neeed some cash, and I love weed.

    Should I avoid brick mids?
    He tells me their pretty nice though, so could I get maybe 15 a g MAX?
  2. I can get an ounce of mids for that price where i live in MA.
  3. 110's pretty good, but if your going to smoke you might as well light up some dank rather than dirt weed
  4. Sorry, I really doubt you could get $15 a g for bricked anything. Well, I suppose it depends on the pricing there. If dank goes for $30, then maybe. But here, you can probably find some no-name dro for $15 a g. Just trying to help out, I don't think that's a sound business venture. You may be able to make brownies or edibles out of them and make some cash off those, though.
  5. 110 for a HALF? thats crazy. i can get an ounce for cheaper than 110
  6. I just bought a half o, of some decent mids for 60
  7. id look around for a better price, where im from, $90 for an O of brick mids, $120 O of nice mids and $140 for an O of he best weed with seeds
  8. Damn. In AZ I get $60 an O of mids. Not schwag either. Good mids.

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