I know I'm new, I know there is FAQ everywhere, but how does this sound?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by rainstony, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Looking to do a first time grow this spring/summer. Been looking on here a lot and on a lot of other places. This is how it plans to look for my first grow...plan to use combo outdoor soil grow/organic...just looking for feedback on soil prep. for the moment.

    I plan on planting late April, and plan on preping soil Early March..tell me what you think...

    Plan: 5 Swiss Cheese (heard easy for beginners and mold resist.)
    3' x 3' for each plant. 1.5 Cu. ft. bag organic soil mixid with regular soil with 1C. hydrated lime added to soil for PH. Organic Liquid Fish fert. with mixed soil for Nitrogen soil prep...these are my plans at the moment for soil prep. Wanting to do this step-by-step so I make sure my first grow is at least a dedent one....what does everyone think bout soil preparation?

  2. Seems like you've got the right start -- what are your plans for helping with aeration/drainage?
  3. airiation and drainage isnt a huge problem where my grow site is...especially with the rise in elevation. I will prolly add a little sand to the soil...that can increase the drainage in the soil

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