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I know bananadines not reall but...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Dankness420, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. i was just curious as to whether it was an actual chemical substance. like do bananas actualy contain something called bananadine but it just doesnt get you high or anythinhg. any thoughts?
  2. If you have to question a name like 'bananadine', you really need to take a chemistry class.
  3. It was a hoax created some 40+ years ago.
  4. do you get bananadnanies in your butt at night?
  5. At night? I keep bananadnanies in my ass at all times home boy!
  6. its not bananadine its banadine and it exists, but it doesnt do anything
  7. someone didnt read the whole thread...
  8. if this is about smoking banana peels it doesn't work so go get yourself some pot your crazy cooky kids you
  9. Wow. Two wrongs in one sentence.

    This is what happens when we entertain the idea women are always right...

  10. Associated Content from Yahoo! Mobile

    See I'm actually correct. Get your shit right before you say people are wrong you cunt.

  11. tee he heee
  12. Yo thats not cool, thats pretty harsh. CHILLAX RELAX AND KICK BACK GRAB A SIX PACK and smoke a jaaaaaaaaaaaay :smoke:
  13. I just woke up, guess I was just in a pissed off mood
  14. Oh that sucks braaaah, hope your better now :D
  15. Having pms is no excuse for being rude.

  16. Yeh I'm sweet man... This t-breaks gettin to me
  17. It was the woman comment, wasnt it? I apologize for that.

    I never saw it as 'banadine' but apparently it is written both ways. I googled it and it corrected me to bananadine

    Still, I havent seen anything that it actually exists.

  18. Are you baked right now?
  19. I'm reading 'fictional' in a lot of what I'm seeing...of course fuck all if it is spelled bananadine or banadine but Google seems to have it out for the spelling of banadine.
  20. Yeah man, how did you know :eek::confused:

    Thats fucked :smoking:

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