I just used cleat choice , Sub solution and I’m nervous....

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Canttell, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. So I am already hired when the company tells me that I need to take a drug test. Luckily I stopped smoking when I got hired so at the time of the drug test, I had been drinking palo azul for three days straight as it’s known to mask Mary. I took three tests at home both 50ng and 20ng, passing all of them. I felt great so I used my own pee. Well.... My test results came back diluted so my company made me take another test. I had originally bought Magnum but the reviews on it say it sucks so I freAked out!! I went ahead and spent the 100 something on sub solution and overnight shipping. It did not come over night so that sucks but anyways ... I followed the directions but refused to use the heat activating powder and used hot hands instead. I had the temp at 98 when I sent it and after thirty minutes in my bra, the temp still read 94 when the labtech took it. I got that nice little reassurance about the temp being between 90 and 100. I was shaking so bad!! She took the sample, had me sign it and now I’m in my car posting this.... I will post results. Hopefully I don’t get fired....
  2. I had some typos. Sorry I’m just so nervous. I didn’t send it anywhere, that was suppose to say went in.
  3. Oh and it did not smell like pee.
  4. I just took my test today using the same product, how did your results turn out? Also, what lab testing facility did you submit your sample to?
  5. Passed using ClearChoice Quick Luck (Nov. 2019)

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