I Just Thought That Everyone Should Know About This

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Deleted member 1153948, Jan 30, 2024.

  1. 118th Congress 2023-2024

    H.R. 7052-To amend part D of title IV of the Social Security Act to ensure that child support for unborn children is collected and distributed under the child support enforcement program, and for other purposes.
    Sponsor: Claudia Tenney (Rep.-R-NY-24) Cosponsors: 6
    Latest Action: 1-18-2024 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

    S.3622-A bill to amend part D of title IV of the Social Security Act to ensure that child support for unborn children is collected and distributed under the child support enforcement program, and for other purposes.
    Sponsor: Kevin Cramer (Sen. R-ND) Cosponsors: 10
    Latest Action: 1-18-2024 Read Twice and referred to the Committee on Finance

    I'm sure there are at least plans to pass similar bills for people who are still working and not drawing disability or retirement.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. What weird wtfness is this!?

    MGTOW gonna have a field day with that one.
  3. Yeah, since they overturned Roe, they want to make sure child support is collected for the UNBORN child. So you will have to start paying as soon as a pregnancy is reported. And, I'm sure, medical bills. This is a bad idea. There are so many things that can go wrong in pregnancy that child support shouldn't start until the baby is born. My sister-in-law delivered a stillborn baby just because when the baby develops, it develops in an upward sitting position. When it comes time for delivery, the baby will turn to position the head down. My sister-in-law's baby turned so she could be ready for delivery. The umbilical cord twisted cutting off the blood supply, suffocating Shawna Jo. Ivy's body would not reject the fetus as what is supposed to happen. They had to induce her to keep an infection from developing from the decomposing body of her daughter. That is why abortion laws are in place. If abortion hadn't been legal, Ivy would have died and she wouldn't have gone on to deliver two healthy boys. I saw the baby when she was with her mother. Shawna's lips were a dark blue and her skin had begun to peel off of her. There are cases already reported where women had to go out of state because their fetus was dead but the doctors refused to induce labor because of Roe being overturned despite the fact her baby had no heartbeat. Religious groups are pushing their beliefs off on others and that is not right! Whatever happened to the separation of church and state? Republicans have forgotten about that and I hope that will change with the next election. One of the Justices that Trump appointed to the Supreme Court, her father is a member of a religious cult!
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  4. @OrionM42 yea abortion is a hard topic. I'm pro-choice to a point... I hear about women having eight or more abortions; that I don't support. I'm not into third semester abortions either; I don't mean dead babies either. I think the law should be somewhere in the middle, like, after 3 abortions, maybe it's time to sterilize? idk.
    As far as left/right political dynamics, they are all corrupt. Power corrupts, and financial incentivization of politicians is just a bad concept. Separate personal finance and state, maybe we'll see less corruption. Plato suggested something similar, although, I'm not 100% Platonic either.
  5. #5 nachoboomer, Feb 3, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024
    Look at the rest of the world, many nations seem to agree on about 3 months. Very late term abortions??? WHY go thru carrying for that long? Theres gotta be a better way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. How do they prove who the daddy is if the baby wasn’t born yet? Who has to pay the child support?
  7. I'm sure you mean well but abortions have always been legal when the baby has died in utero, even before Roe. If you know specific instances where an abortion to save the life of the MOTHER wasn't allowed, please give an example.

    I can understand why some people think child support should start before birth but I'd probably limit it to health care expenses if I was king of the world. The pregnancy should also give the parents a deduction on their income taxes instead of having to wait until birth occurs to claim a dependency because, as you said, it is a baby even before birth.

    As far as separation of church and state goes, that has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion kills a human baby and we don't need to be religious to think killing innocent humans of any age should be against the law. That's what I think and I'm not a Republican or religious.

    Now that's a good question. I've heard of husbands being ordered to pay support even when the baby wasn't theirs. I'd have to guess whoever the MOTHER names as the father would be stuck with the bill. If DNA later proves it wasn't him, he'd probably have to look for whoever was actually the father to get his money back and good luck with that. I doubt the system is going to help him get justice.
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  8. I guess they will have to go by a woman's finger pointing to the father. That can be a problem too. Look at the show Parenity Court. I watched it for a while and nine times out of ten the father turned out not to be the father because the woman wouldn't keep her legs together. DNA tests only after the baby is born will show who the father is. And another thing. And this is my own personal experience with this. My brother was engaged to another girl in high school. He got to hanging around the wrong crowd according to his fiancee, Linda. And he ended up getting another girl pregnant. She told him she was on the pill when he started seeing her. She fell in love with him and told Linda that she was going to have Steve one way or the other. Linda told her that Steve loved her. Cathy said, "I don't care, I love him." She stopped taking the pill, got pregnant, and to make sure Steve married her, her father and older brother told Steve that if he didn't marry Cathy, they were going to kill him. I was 15 when this happened. My immature brain thought that was very shitty, and I hated her ever since. I still talk to Linda, she has become my lifelong friend and sister in spirit. I didn't know they threatened my brother until after my mom died and Steve when Linda told me what Steve told her, I went off on Cathy and told her that I never wanted to see her again. I found out that Steve had called Linda a few years before he died of an aneurysm. She said that he went to a store after work and talked to a cashier who worked there who knew Linda. He got Linda's phone number and called her, asking if she was happy. She married a Vietnam Vet who was older than her and she said yes. She said it was him, he was drunk but she recognized his voice. So, yeah, there are women out there who will do what it takes to hook the man they love no matter how many people it hurts. And they use children to do it.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. That is what I would be worried about.
    Girls abusing and taking advantage of the system and some random guy is the one who gets the bill

    We all know that has happened before and will continue to happen. Now, it will get even worst
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. How cute, a shotgun wedding lol but yeah I came across a few crazy ladies, I didn’t let them ruin it for the rest tho
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