I just realized...

Discussion in 'General' started by Valcurium, Jan 31, 2012.

  1. #1 Valcurium, Jan 31, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2012
    There are really 2 or more answers to everything that can be questioned, the “right answer” is the answer most commonly agreed upon by the people in the room (or the majority of people). This is why an argument between two irrational people will never be resolved because there isn't an unbiased person to weigh in and make a decision as to who is right or wrong (or more right than the other at least). Therefore the people who are arguing will continue to feel they are correct until another catalyst comes into play. Also, if a person is ignorant enough (or messed up in the head enough), nothing will be able to sway them and they will stick to their guns and not realize that if their argument were actually justified enough, other people would side with them (which they don't). I feel like arguments are just a waste of energy unless:
    -you're arguing with a person who can be reasoned with and is capable of being rational
    -you can prove with logic + concrete evidence that you are correct
    -there others available to weigh in and decide which of the two debaters they agree with the most.

    discuss :smoke:
  2. Well no.... Because if there is only one answer then only one side can be right and then anything past that is you arguing with a retard for nothing

    unless you are talking about some like religion.... or a view on something and yea... things like that that aren't really questions... just opinions...
  3. well i'm talking about everything that doesn't have a concrete answer (you can't really debate that 1+1 doesn't equal 2)

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