I just lost my bag of weed i just bought and I'm super paranoid

Discussion in 'General' started by oceanbreathsalt, Feb 3, 2012.

  1. I bought some weed, smoked a few bowls then went on a late night excursion with some of my friends. I checked my pockets and my weed was gone. I tried jogging my memory and I remember running because I saw an RA roaming around and I freaked out. And ran into the bathroom of the rec room. I literally retraced my steps and couldn't find it. Then, the paranoid person in my told me the RA picked it up and called UPD (I saw her on her phone outside the bathroom 10 minutes after I left it). I hung out until the rec room closed, and nothing happened, except they told me to go home because they were closing. Maybe I'm just really high and paranoid but I'm not going to get in trouble or anything, am I?
  2. Deep breaths bro, go to sleep.
  3. HOLY SHIIIIT UR GOING TO JAIL. jk haha ur all good mayne. no way theyre gonna no its u

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