So the gas stations in my area have these new pumps, with some kinda switch that clicks off as soon as it comes out of the tank. Well a few days ago, this one old lady, was filling up her car, and the thing didnt click off, so it shot gasolene all over her arm. So she goes into the store, complains, and the manager gives her her gas for free, helps her clean off her arm, and sends her on her way. Later on, she going down a highway, and she lights a ciggerette, and her arm goes up in flame, so she sticks her arm out of the window, luckily there was a cop right behind her, so he stops her and helps her put out the fire. Then, he writes her a ticket, do you believe that?
She should have just said she was signaling left, and that she lit her arm on fire to make sure people saw it.
I dont know man, and whats even worse, is that she cant fight it in court, cuz it was a legit reason to give her the ticket.