Whenever I'm high, Hearing things that isn't music, IS music. For instance, I was being a real dumbass on a playground in the middle of the night. As I'm about to climb up the playset, I hear the BEST music ever and all of a sudden I'm on a beach.... and of all things, the BEACH BOYS were having a concert right there on the beach (Makes sense no?). The Beach boy band that was playing didn't sound like the beach boys (as far as I know) but GOD it sounded like the best music ever. It's only until I walked closer that I realized that on the other side of the playset this girl (also high) was swinging. The whole time it was the swing that was making the enchanting melody/music lol. And last weekend while we were at the walmart parking lot, this revving engine somewhere actually sounded like it had chanting vocal accompaniment... I'm sure this happens to other people. My point= It really really fucking love it when things like this happen. It's like there are genuinemusical ideas yet to be explored. God I love weed. Adds a bit of unpredictability in life if only for one really stoned hour