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i just got a chameleon:)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Greengrasshoppr, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. and i have to say its the most intriguing creature ever. smoking+boredom=new-found, color-changing companionship--gotta love it:D
  2. i envy you so much right now. haha
    i'm gonna have to go buy one! how much is it to have one?

    EDIT - by have one, i mean, how much is it to buy it, and then for it's food and cage or whatever
  3. Awesome dude, sounds like you two will have loads of fun. Just don't get the animal high, that's just cruel and fucked up.
  4. damn i love chameleons
  5. I clicked on this thread thinking it was about a charmeleon the pokemon.
  6. LMFAO! you just made my day
  7. [​IMG]

    what chameleon i dont see shiit.

    shit i see a squirrel though
  9. [​IMG]
  10. +rep


    I was def looking at a chameleon in the pet store a while ago and thinking he'd be a great smoking buddy.
  11. Awesome pictures!
  12. >>i just got a chameleon:)
    >>i just got a chameleon
    >>just got a chameleon
    >>got a chameleon
    >>a chameleon

  13. double post ftw
  14. I'd like to have a mini dragon that I could perch on my shoulder and have him wrap his tail down my arm. He'd be jet black with amber eyes. :D
  15. No offense.. But my kinda faggish friend just brought this up 2 days ago outta nowhere when he was high and nows obbsessed with thiese things...

    Why guys?
  16. Dude there bad ass i mean look at them they change colors they eat shit alive they are so bad ass if they were bigger then us we would fear them

  17. What part about a reptile being able to change colors doesn't intrigue you?
  18. Wheres the personality in a chameleon?
  19. It's personality is that it's a fucking chameleon.

  20. you just made me lock my all my windows.

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