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I just found out my Dad GROWS weed, but doesnt smoke it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by xerox1911, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. It's the other way around here - I grow and supply my dad for free.

    I don't think he could really grow if he tried - he's been smoking since the 70s and doesn't know a thing about it - didn't know there were both a male and female plant, the difference between sativa and indica, etc etc - he just likes to get high and that's it.


    If you didn't know your dad grows, it's likely he was hiding his smoking habits from you, too. He may think you're too young at this point to open up to you about it, but doesn't want to be a hypocrite and tell you not to smoke because of his own actions.

    Honestly, as stated - you should completely forget about this. If you tell even one person, you're putting your dad at a serious risk... and I want to stress the serious part.
  2. Best of both worlds, form connection with your dad and don't tell anyone else.
  3. So what happened?

  4. Try saying that word to yourself out loud. :confused:

    @OP This thread is total bullshit. You just opened a door and found plants? You didn't smell anything or have suspicion he grew? I certainly know what's behind every door in my house unless you're like 6 y/o.
  5. Best advice you'll get OP. Take it and return with the news ;)

    good luck brah
  6. Ok...I have seen a few different schools of thought in here about how to handle this situation, and I want to say up front that if saying how I would handle it being different from any of you, it's not a sign that I consider your way "wrong" or invalid.

    So to begin - I agree that this is something you should not reveal to ANYONE.
    Now OP I say this (obviously) knowing that you've already posted about it on a public forum...but you do have a point in that none of us know you and probably the most information the site contains about you is your state.

    The thing is - you NEED to make sure that you're over the urge to tell someone about it now. If you tell say your best and most trusted friend, without meaning any more harm than that, they could fuck you over by passing the same news onto someone else they feel won't spread it.
    Humans SUCK fuckin' ballsack at keeping secrets.
    So make it so there is none.
    You know now. Your dad knows.
    Anyone else that knows is his business and not yours.

    There's no "confrontation".
    If you approach him about it, first you should be truthful about how you found it.
    Second, I'd almost immediately reassure him that you're not going to be a problem for make it known that you're aware of the issues that could occur from mentioning it to anyone at all.
    Ask him if there's anything about it that he wants you to know, as opposed to asking questions.
    Don't assume this is a "free weed" situation. Just because you're his son doesn't mean shit there...he's doing it to evidently turn some kind of profit, so don't hinder that.

    ASK him if he would be comfortable becoming your provider.
    Just ask.
    Accept his answer.
    He shouldn't need any further reason for not, than that he doesn't feel comfortable with it.
    Don't hold your knowledge over his head, your silence should be implied in this situation, not for trade or favour.
    Explain the situation, tell him that you understand his reasons for maybe keeping it from you, and assure him your respect level for him is the same it's always been and that helping him to keep things the way they are is your priority - whether or not this means you become involved in any way, or not at all.

    As for buying from him, again take his answer for what it is.
    Don't expect a family discount...because if you get one, great, but even if you don't and he should agree to supply you - you could end up with a very discreet and safe source.
    On the other hand, try not to make it personally if he decides against it.

    Someone suggested offering your services around harvest time.
    I've never grown personally but I've helped mates do's a bitch of a job...if he doesn't already have someone for that I'm sure he'd appreciate the company, or maybe just let you assist further?
    I'm pretty sure he'd reward you in some way for your effort.

    Be quiet. Be discreet. This is not your secret to hand out.

    One piece of advice - In case this isn't obvious - Get in on his leaves and throw away crap.
    Stems, tips, leaves, whatever. Collect that!
    Cook if for/with him. Make some bomb-ass butter for edibles.
    In a different place naturally.

    Anyways...good luck dealing with it, and handle your shit like an adult here.
    Do as you would like someone to do in the same given situation, if you were him.

  7. This.

    Damn bro good advice
  8. lol, dude ur dad totally burns
  9. If your story is EVEN TRUE that oould be kickass bro
  10. My dad had 26 plants that I stumbled upon in the woods one day. I never said a word, but let's just say I didn't have to buy weed for over a year.
  11. Oh give me a break with the whole "you're already telling the internet teehee"

    No shit, because we have no idea who this guy is, where he lives, or anything about him. :rolleyes:

    If he has half a brain inside his head, he won't tell a soul. Some of you guys on this site crack me up.
  12. I know you're just trolling (i think...?) but could this actually happen?
  13. it could, but it probably won't. it would be a waste of resources..
    and you should do what randomthoughts said. especially not telling anyone.
  14. No, not in the slightest.

    You cannot just "get" someones IP address. It doesn't work like that.
  15. Actually, that depends on the resources and expertise at your disposal.
    Though it's unlikely that those with it, would consider using it for a case like this.
  16. It's not possible. It is 100% impossible for any police officer to come to this site, see this thread, and get OP's IP address. They would have to go to whoever owns this site, and ask. If the owner refused to provide the IP address of the OP, they could subpoena it and get it that way. That is the only way to get his IP address from this website.
  17. Yeah - Hence RESOURCES.
    Such as, the work you do enabling you to legally do this, or have grounds to carry out such a subpoena.
  18. Well yes, you are correct then. It depends on the resources of whoever is going after him.

    This discussion is a moot point as there is literally 0 chance of that happening.

  19. Well, they could grab his IP quite easily actually. Although it wouldn't hold up in court, they could pretty easily grab his IP without talking to the site owners.

    Process is simple, basically you set up a log for whoever looks at image.png, usually a transparent 1x1 is used for this.

    Then you link the image here, as in the little picture button. Anyone who sees that will now get their IP address recorded.

    You could narrow it down via PM, or using just his posts and cross checking (post image in multiple threads).

    A similar attack was used before but to phish passwords.
  20. #60 GreenCrackYUM, Jun 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2012
    Yeah I know of this method, just didn't think of it. I was mainly referring to those who think that a law enforcement officer could see this thread and magically get OP's IP.

    As you said, it would never hold up in court. (If they could even use it to charge someone)

    Again.. pointless discussion though because it would never happen. I find it funny how paranoid some people here are.

    Offtopic- Why the FUCK would you phish accounts from this site? Makes no sense lol

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