Someone help me understand HOW IN THE WORLD does someone break a brand new 18.8MM Bistabil ROOR *INSIDE* a sink by *SLIGHTLY* hitting it against the sink. We've had this fucking thing for 2 weeks and it SHATTERED, were talking glass EVERYWHERE, even UNDER the crack of the door that was closed when it broke... all over the place... I will never ever ever buy a roor again. It may as well have been a $50 Chinese bong by the way it broke.
Damn man, my sincere condolences How did it happen? are you sure it was an original roor? I never owned a roor my self but heard they are pretty solid. Again, sorry to hear that dude.
must have been a 3.2 mm. sucks dude, but it's not roors fault. shit happens. get a 9 mil US tubes and you won't have to worry about the slightest knock breaking it. you could club somebody with a 9 mm tube.
100% POSITIVE it was a legit ROOR. Forgot to mention this in original post... we bought it form a local respected shop, im having second thoughts that it may not be real because it didnt come with a box, but that could have been the staff's mistake... and i know they sell legit zongs, and locally blown pieces... all top quality stuff
Thanks for the advice, I'll truly take it into account and may consider another ROOR in the future upon seeing it in person etc... thanks for the post, +rep
Sorry to hear your R00R failed you man, that is to bad. If I was you I would invest all my money in a US Tube 9mm, and say fuck you glass breaking gods.
You aren't going to get a box with your roor, if you do it's most likely a fake. But sorry to hear about your loss man, i nearly broke mine today cleaning it with iso for the first time. Maybe get a US tube if you want a high quality tube without having to worry about breaking it.
When their empty they shatter it dosen't take much .... Never store your glass empty ... if it glass it will break....sorry dude
if im not mistaken i dont think theirs such size as 6mm tubing,,sure it wasnt a 5 or 7,,dont think that shop knows what theyre talking about,,peace LEAR
papajesus - I saw a pic of your ROOR and that thing was so thick! I am so surprised that it broke. Hope you find a new tube to replace it! GLuck
Papa, i just realized your's was the White Label Roor with the bistabil joint. I'm pretty sure that was 5mm thick, whoever you talked to at the shop didn't know what they were talking about.
I have a 5mm ROOR and i have knocked it over on concrete before and it didn't even chip the glass. Another time i had it on the second shelf of my refrigerator door and when i went to open the door it flew out and hit the tile flooring, but didn't break. Man, i need to be more careful haha
I can go for 5MM, that seems right. Deff not 3.xmm. Seriously? Dude, I've had it for 3 weeks (just haven't used it) and it looks SHATTERED aka thrown on the floor, they'll just be like "uhh lol"... lol
I have a 5mm Icemaster and it is pretty thick and sturdy. I've knocked it over on a table and it didn't break. And I've dropped a Roor Carbon filter before from 3 ft. onto a hard surface and it didn't break. Roor has quality glass. Yours was probably a fake.
point well taken, but I still don't understand how it shattered so extremely (im not joking when im freaking out about this whole shattered thing) with a small tap... its like UHH ive not dropped it, always kept it in a safe place, etc... and it shatters... nobody else has any idea where it is, im the only one whos seen it -- maybe you're right, i need to go back to the shop... maybe its used or some stupid shit