I have the smallest butt ever... excercises?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by bsuttoi, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. My butt is super super small, more like flat. I used to have a normal butt, but then I lost some weight and I am still losing a little bit, but it looks so silly and I am willing and able to get into an exercise routine to GROW MY BUTT MUSCLES.

    I know you all work out: what exercises should I do? Basic squats? How many, for how long? How long will it take to see results? I feel like I keep losing weight but it's all coming off of my butt. Whatever... Super high right now...

    Sorry if this is weird.. help!
  2. basically just do squats, run. try standing up and extending your leg back slowly as high as you can go without leaning forward too far. do as many as you can. then do the next leg

    squat variations help though. wide, close, fast, etc. youre mostly gonna work on your legs too

    there's no way to determine how long it will take but make sure you're focusing on eating healthy, staying hydrated, getting protein, etc. stretch before and after working out

    also post above is very helpful as well
  3. Squats an anything else that engages your leg muscles. Keep at it an eat right, you will see results in a month or so. Keep in mind that everyone has a different shape to their body and yours just may include lack of an ass.
  4. Thank you all, I think it might help that I continue to lose weight and then ill lose more off my tummy and breasts and then I might look more proportional
  5. Yeah squats, running, I've heard the elliptical was good for toning and firming the butt. Of course we can't really give you specifics unless you post a pic to give us a better idea with what we're working with.:devious:
  6. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, glute bridge are all good. Gonna want to be lifting heavy as possible. rep ranges 8-12, 4 sets. Most important is recovery. Eat a clean diet, stay hydrated and get lots of sleep
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Squats and deadlift are great, but actually the one that I think is best for chicks to do is kettle bell swings. They engage the glutes like crazy, and are easier to do.
  8. come over ill fill and plump that ass up hahaha jk or am i?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. The suspense is killing me.
  10. Just do below parallel back squats and do running.

    No better leg exercise then squats.
  11. @ op Do anal at least four times a week
  12. I'm pretty sure this is one of those threads that require pictures to answer your question.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Do barbell squats 3 times a week and increase the weight by 5 pounds each time. As long as you eat enough I guarantee in 3 months you'll have a booty.
  14. Yes,we will need before and after pics to address this thread any further.


    Those is mostly jokes....mostly....:smoking:
  15. Squats, deadlifts, legpress, lunges.
  16. That brazil butt lift routine looks cool.
  17. True maybe ill check that out.

    To the guy who said to do kettle bell swings, YES, I've got a 12 lb one that I've been using but I think I might need to go heavier even though they're so expensive...

    Ill post a picture someday... Ha
  18. You can do kettlebell swings with a dumbbell
  19. I think before and after pictures are in order.

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