What is a good size pot for these seeds? I was also wondering what kind of soil i should use once the seeds finish germinating? Let me know what you guys think. I'm excited to get my first grow going.
never done low rider seeds i think thats what your talking about, but they stay pretty small from what ive seen it probably depends on how many your doing and how much room you have under your light. if you have a whole lot i would use one gal pots if your doing a few i would use three gal pots,but it also depends on ur light and space to as previously mentioned.....
well i only have 3 seeds. They just finished germinating and they're ready to get into some soil. Im not entirely sure what soil i should use though. think you can help me out?
i use ROOTS the 707 mix by aroura...ppl use other stuff like fox farm soil(available almost everywhere ive even seen it in my grocery store raleys)but ROOTS has worked for me so far i get huge bags from the gro shop and their around 15-20$..
Also get perlite when you get the soil. Mix 50% soil and 50% perlite. You'll be way happy as the grow goes on that you added the perlite. Also, start a journal, so the blades can come by and visit.