I Have No Selft Esteem, It Sucks....

Discussion in 'General' started by No Self Esteem, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. im pretty well liked in school, but if people are gonna talk shit i really don't let it keep me down, because you realize the people that are really confident about themselves don't need to talk shit or be dbags

    don't overdo it but if you get in the mindset of putting yourself as #1 in importance, I guess think that you know your cool n shit and its other people who have a problem and you can just say fuck em to those people and chill with friends its all good

    also you need to get some friends even if their nerds. if im feeling bad i just go hang out with some good friends and its so good, even if its 1 or two u really trust. you realize your not the only one with problems and get the fuck over it.

    i sometimes get in a mood but i realize as a whole my life rocks, nothing is perfect, but accept it how it is and maybe write down what is bothering you so you can realize its just a list of stupid shit
  2. x2 on mcstabby. girls think im fat when im wearing a big shirt and am sitting down.

    dude you look perfectly normal. you look a lot like i do. i have self doubt too but i just force myself to not give a fuck. you need to understand no one's paying that much attention, theyre all worried about themselves. start doing some push ups, get a fade cut, smile a lot more. #1 way to get a good reaction out of girls is to look happy and welcoming. stand and walk with your back straight, it shows confidence. stop overanalyzing everything so much.

    hang out with your friends, dont entrap yourself in the house. ICP said it best "a man can only be alone for so long before his mind is gone."

    if all you do is smoke weed and sit in the house all day, take a break from the bud. it might seem hard at first but do it. if youre very introvertive it helps from being overly self conscious. call up a friend or 2 and walk around the mall and make eye contact with as many girls as you can. dont stare, just make eye contact and if they look back, smile. dont smile too hard, just look inviting. if they smile back, its up to you to approach em. just remember, theyre human like you too. theyre not out to put you down or hurt you.

    get a hobby. play some basket ball even if you arent good. jog, get into some kind of activity thats going to help you get fitter and feels rewarding. do something you can show for yourself.

    dont see yourself as a loser, if anything, see what you can IMPROVE about yourself. if you can make a change, why are you just sitting there hating yourself? DO WORK SON!!

  3. dont try to appease your parents, no matter what you do you'll be an adult soon and youll be at their level in a way. excersising is really good too. get down and start doing some pushups. and you dont look anywhere near fat.
  4. Dude your not fat at all and don't let anybody make you feel bad just be proud of who you are.

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