I am in the 7th week of flowering and my plant is starting to die. 2 weeks ago my plant looked fine green and tons of white pistals shooting out ready to make buds. the last 5 days my plant has continuously declined in health. My leafs are brown and black most are now dead and pretty much falling off my buds are not longer growing and the stems which have the buds are so soft they can easily be pulled off. My beatiful plant is dying and if i dont figure somethig out quick i will a very bad next couple of weeks. I am growing in a 5 gallon bucket i think my problem could be PH? or possibly i used to much manure when creating my mixture. I was thinking of moving it out of the bucket and into the ground but i am so late into flowering i hate to further stress it out a lil help here peeps. i could probably scrounge a pic but its leafs are black and brown and only at the top and middle the lower branches seem to be ok or more ok than the rest. I am salty as the ocean damnit
did you let the soil dry out completely? or was it wet all the time.... 2nd what kind of nutrients did you use..... ...what is your soil compromised off.... did you put enough perlite in.... cow manuer isnt really great for growing pot.... i dont know i just dont use it...
i used fox farms tiger bloom for a little while. The soil has never completely dried out it has been raining a lot but the soil drains great, or did it is kinda compacted manure is garbage for soil, i dont like it either i shoud have never used it but i did so..... stupid me thats for sure. so i wonder what i should do both plants have the same problem thats for sure.
Looks to me like a root problem. could be lack of oxygen, soil too wet, or a fungus, root rot.... At this point, i'd harvest it. See all the dead fan leaves, those are what the plant uses to continue to produce the buds...
definatly root rot transplant them into dry ssoil and tarp the soil the rest of the year you control the water
so you think i should harvest wow that would suck its not really done at all,,,,,, i think im going to transplant and see what happens
Pulling the dead leaves off would be a start (if they easily come off). I can't really even tell if you have a problem from those pics. I've had plants that could have looks like that had I not cleaned up the dead leaves. It's natural for leaves do die off later in flowering but that does look a little excessive.
i would have to say it def has a problem and i agree it probably is root rot. im going to \transplant and monitor watering i'll keep ya posted
the only thing is when itake it out of the bucket its going to be pretty compressed in there can i knock off some of the wet soil????? im going to add a little perlite to maybe pull some moisture out and some dry dirt......
If you're bringing it indoors you might be ok.. transplanting late into flower will slow things down production wise... Proper soil amendments are important. Lessons learned
yeah i hear ya lesson definately learned, hard way tho kinda still pissed im used to having buds for the winter oh well. Im not bringing them indoors i still have a month or two so.... i think it has a chance to come back it still has green shoots we will see. I definately appriciate all the responses tho, i knew it was something to do with the soil all along i just thought it would finish before it got too bad.
the little plant is basically dead and getting worse should i jus tpull it now? will it hurt the bud if it keeps getting worse.? the other plant is going to be fine i think after transplant and everything it looks good and its in dry soil with a lot of holes in it....
you dont know me but in my group I am known as the on site doctor for the many problems growers have. I deal with large operations and from what I know your guy giving you advice was right on the money when he claimed root rot and yes you will need to harvest them asap. sorry for your luck but even at this point the root will no longer suck and water from the soil they have been completely covered with this fungis and you cand fix it anymore. the plant will still try to live so now it will suck all the nutes out of the leaves and they will darken and turn black. next the stalks will begin to soften and turn color as well and last but not least the main stem will have rooted out from under you and the entire plant will fall over. this process can take as long as two weeks and that whole time your plant is getting more and more sick. harvest and use you energy on your next crop. your friendly BC grower
there could be a few problems... its not the manure because u said u added it wen u mixed the soil so i bet the problem is phospres