I bet that title is full of so much fail, I just wanna die. Anyways, I haven't been smoking for a couple of days, and I've been going to the gym more and more, as well as doing more. Well, I know the mind always dreams, or some shit like that. Well, I wake up and I never dream that night. It's been MONTHS since I have last remembered a dream. So this morning when I woke up, I remembered my dream, and that shit felt super real when I woke up. To the point where I had to check out a few things. Anyone know why I don't dream? I've asked my doctor before, and she said "some people just don't dream" I call bullshit on that.
Mainly because the what the doctor said to me. I told her I smoke weed, and she tried to say all this bullshit it makes me do, or will, and I have never done anything she said. Pretty much, I think THAT doctor is full of shit.
Ahh, gotcha. Well I dunno supposedly weed makes it harder to recall your dreams but I actually remember mine more when I smoke. Although I have met people who swear they don't recall any of their dreams, I mean everyone dreams but what I've heard is that some people just don't remember it. Not scientific evidence by any means.
when im smoking mj daily i dont dream / remember dreams at all 'tbreaks' have been said to bring back dreams and bring them with vengence. no like REAL dreams or nightmares im strating my t break tomorrow and im now excited to dream some sick shit chyea
Thats impossible to "just not dream". Everybody needs REM(dreams) sleep. Its just a matter of your dream recall. Keep a dream journal if you want to increase your dream recall.
I guess we gonna go on that journey together subconsciously. I think is is time for a T-Break for me too. I've always started one, never ended it. But I think I might take this one seriously.
I also never remember my dreams when I smoke daily but when I stop I can remember my dreams again. Also I would get myself a new doctor if I was you. Kinda reminds me of how a doctor tried to tell my brother you can't get salmonella from eggs back when it was all over the news.
Oh, I see. Well I'm thinking about having a sleep study done. It would really help me understand what's going on up there. I just hate spending the night in hospitals.
Yeah I just started back into working out, and i haven't remembered a dream for a long time, then i had this really weird dream Obama was in my driveway, and i was throwing apples at him until he parked across the street, then he came in my house and all the sudden i was outside and i ended up stealing like 2 grand from a newspaper machine, that was left open with a note saying "for your convenience barrack" IT was fucknig weird edit: mine felt very real too, because my roomate woke me up and the first thing i said was "Hey i got you a newspaper and the mail" and said it over a few times. Supposedly you only remember your dreams, if you reach the dream state (r.e.m) and then wake up after or something, maybe it felt real because you were thinking it happened, then wokeup in the middle of it.
I can see how you'd think that was weird, but if you were to dream what I did, you would want to kill yourself. It was just insane.
lol dude, whenever I smoke before sleeping, I can only remember certain parts of the dream and its still all hazy.
Actually, Now that I think about it, could it have been a lucid dream? I've never had one, but this dream was just too fucking real.
K, So I was in California (I think) never been there, but I felt like I knew where I was going. I wake up in this apartment building surrounded by palm trees, then I listening to the radio (I wanna shoot myself) I heard Zar, I shit you not. I then get out of my car, and I walk into a liquor store and buy a pound of weed ( I guess this in the future lol) and I walk out. Once I walked out, I get fucking shot at. When I got shot at, I heard a BOOM. I look up in the sky, and like 7 planes flew above me. Then I start think, "Fuck someone is shooting at me, why am I looking up", Once I look down, he's dead. So, I hope back into a car, that I know for sure wasn't mine, but all my shit is in it (phone, bag, and my music playlist going) I go back to the apartment I was in and somehow I just knew what number it was. So I get to apartment number 11 and I walk in using MY KEY, and it's someone elses home. I walk out after they are bitching at me and I walk out of a house (This blew my fuckin mind) So I then pick up my phone and call my friends in my phone to tell them about the weird day and if they wanna chill, and they are like wtf, you dont live in Georgia anymore, you just split on us like 4 months ago. Woke up.
D FUCK .................. i ended my t break a few days ago i had a crazy ass dream TO Ok i was just working in this convenience store and i left get on a motorbike and i go in to this sort of house flat thingy. But it was a alley way with white walls with a roof and this guy walks up to me i stopped and i looked at him as he kept walking he went up to me and said sup ma boy how ya doing IT WAS OSAMA BIN LADEN i shit ye not , then we where in this car driving but as hard as i looked out of the window i just couldn't see anything like there was something there i just coudn't focus or recall what was there then we roll up in a airport hanger get out and get in a plane with turrets and rockets and shit. were flying over france and osama said WE GOT A LOCK ON AND 5 ENEMY SAM SITES TAKE EM OUT suddenly im in this turret shooting shit and where murnevering and spinning and stuff and then theres 5 us marine jets tailing us , over france i know... so he goes this is what me buddy jihad tought me a long time a go boy he got a mango opend this hatch out of the plane and we where just throwing mangos and stuff at the planes and destroyed them all. then we landed and then where getting fired at by realy short people and i got hit while we where running and osama was like GET TOO THE LZ there was a choppa and we where running we got to the choppa it took off then just started spinning and making a beeping noise and then i woke up does anyone know what this meens ??