So I honestly feel because of my ears, it makes me look unattractive. Do girls find this a turn off or anything? Because I honestly keep my hair longish to cover my ears. Thats why I have long hair. I am sooo self conscious about my ears, I was made fun of for them when younger. I am 20 now, and this just seems like it gona be this way for ever. but i cant keep long hair forever. Any input? Bout to smoke a bowl of lemon kush to end this.
I think you mean self conscious. And stop with your attitude right now. Be confident with girls and they will be drawn to you. They won't notice your ears; but if you care about them too much and draw attention towards them, then they will notice it. Be yourself. Be real. Don't care about stupid imperfections. We all have them.
Say it to my face, and I swear you wish you didnt... jk, but no really chill Thanks for the spelling correction, I was high and used Firefox's built in spell check fixer. Messed that word up. But what you say in your third sentence is false. Girls in high school, when I came from middle school to high school back in 2006, they would be like aww, u grew your hair out, it makes ur ears look smaller... facepalm?
I think I just got it, from the guy above. Im a skinny guy with big ears, I need to buff out my body and work out. Then girls will have something really to look at. Thought of this while I was high! Thanks mj!
It's just something you're going to have to come to terms with. You didn't choose your ears and you can't really change them so what is there to be embarrassed about? You also have to realize that no one is perfect, everyone has they're insecurities. When you're talking to someone and you're worried that they're focusing on your ears just think that at the same time that person is worrying about some problem they have.
no pic no proof nah but it depends on how big, what you look like etc I'm sure if girls aren't making it there top priority to avoid you, there isn't a problem
Shave your head. Then your ears will looking fucking huge so then when you grow out your hair in a few months to a medium length it'll make them look SMALLER than youre used to, and everyone will forget all about your parachute ears. It'll take some balls but worth it
it's all about confidence some girls have told me they like my big ears and other say they like my big..... lol it's all about how you hold yourself man. don't walk around like you the fucking king of the town but don't walk around like you wanna kill youself. it's all about finding that balance man.
If chicks aren't dating you because of your ears then you didn't need those superficial bitches anyway! Rock the confidence and forget about your ears.
Everyone has their flaws. Look at the sexiest people in the room, and I guarantee you there's something they're self conscious about. Don't let it bother you, because I'm sure you have plenty of outstanding features/qualities that real women want, because in the end if a girl disses you solely on your appearance, she ain't worth your time. I had my ears made fun of, got called big headed, and goofy looking. I rocked that shit, though, I'm a goofy, funny guy, and I'm working out now so my body catches up with my head.